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Pearls Before the Swine

Machine Head

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai


Lie in this state
Of perdition never to awake
It negates
An admission stricken by fate
There's no salvation
It dwells in your bones
There's no remission
This sickness it owns
Make love to denial her sober embrace
Nails they've embedded never to release

In madness we shall reign
Down, out
In madness we shall reign

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

I numb it down
Heavens fleeting
Kiss envelops
Thee it surrounds
So in vain we stab at the beast
Count the 12 times you step equal 12 times you fail
No abstination, relapse tip the scale
As you swallow the hook and you chew on the line
Choke on the sinker in this sea of lies

In madness we shall reign
Down, out
In madness we shall reign

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

Broke vows and broken rosaries
Bind these rusted hopeless dreams
Broke vows and broken rosaries
Bind these rusted hands in prayer
Faith trust and love are mowed down lonely
In these killing fields

Deep in the throes of addiction
Now my blood's running black
My fixation is caught in its clutches
As the sun sets on my soul
In endless twilight
It is eclipsed

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

Slowly we dance with temptation
Good intentions are sold
For the price of fool's gold and sedation
Take now this demon by its hand
And slice it off

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

Take the ache beneath my bones
Peel the skin away and leave my body exposed
No grace awaits this broken soul

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas


Lie in this state
Of perdition never to awake
It negates
An admission stricken by fate
There's no salvation
It dwells in your bones
There's no remission
This sickness it owns
Make love to denial her sober embrace
Nails they've embedded never to release

In madness we shall reign
Down, out
In madness we shall reign

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

I numb it down
Heavens fleeting
Kiss envelops
Thee it surrounds
So in vain we stab at the beast
Count the 12 times you step equal 12 times you fail
No abstination, relapse tip the scale
As you swallow the hook and you chew on the line
Choke on the sinker in this sea of lies

In madness we shall reign
Down, out
In madness we shall reign

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

Broke vows and broken rosaries
Bind these rusted hopeless dreams
Broke vows and broken rosaries
Bind these rusted hands in prayer
Faith trust and love are mowed down lonely
In these killing fields

Deep in the throes of addiction
Now my blood's running black
My fixation is caught in its clutches
As the sun sets on my soul
In endless twilight
It is eclipsed

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

Slowly we dance with temptation
Good intentions are sold
For the price of fool's gold and sedation
Take now this demon by its hand
And slice it off

Hail our Mary our divine
Littered souls across a great divide
In our obsession thou cast
Pearls before the swine

Take the ache beneath my bones
Peel the skin away and leave my body exposed
No grace awaits this broken soul

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