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My Warrior


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2007 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Lonely cries and crucified tears
Terror slices from darkened graves
The moon cries over desperate years
"every right" my warrior
devils run from my warrior.

Prayers kiss this requiem
hunger grovels at feet gone before
no regrets - not these young men
"every right" my warrior
Devils run from my warrior.

Jesus whispers in the trenches
Souls are summoned in a dark divide
guts and fists - a parent clenches
now my own is on his way
"every right" my warrior
devils run from my warrior

Anguish sides with the innocents
rain engulfs healthy marrow
mortal secrets told in confidence
not this time, my warrior

Sinners howl at the nothingness
spirits drink down a thirsty toll
Now its selfish I must confess
sweet twilight for my warrior
devils pass on my warrior

Ambush waits - Raven's last chance
watch the crossfire -hold on one more day
bargains made in midnight penance
watch your back now, my warrior.
get your friends out, my warrior

No more time for their childhood toys
thanks to God, and these soldier boys
"every right we now enjoy"
keeps the eyes of heaven crying...
"Thousand yard stare" - grew up hard and fast
more flags are flying here at half-mast
Poured in blood - this hymn is cast...
"every right" my warrior
devils run from my warrior
"every right" my warrior
devils run hard from my warrior

Take me back to the simple years
you're too young to cry these tears
swallow back ' my growing fears
I'm at peace now my warrior
Fate just return my warrior
My child my warrior.
I'll just say "thank you" to my warrior.

 2018-10-21  Alvydas1 - Magellan - Mano Karys (My Warrior)

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Lonely cries and crucified tears
Terror slices from darkened graves
The moon cries over desperate years
"every right" my warrior
devils run from my warrior.

Prayers kiss this requiem
hunger grovels at feet gone before
no regrets - not these young men
"every right" my warrior
Devils run from my warrior.

Jesus whispers in the trenches
Souls are summoned in a dark divide
guts and fists - a parent clenches
now my own is on his way
"every right" my warrior
devils run from my warrior

Anguish sides with the innocents
rain engulfs healthy marrow
mortal secrets told in confidence
not this time, my warrior

Sinners howl at the nothingness
spirits drink down a thirsty toll
Now its selfish I must confess
sweet twilight for my warrior
devils pass on my warrior

Ambush waits - Raven's last chance
watch the crossfire -hold on one more day
bargains made in midnight penance
watch your back now, my warrior.
get your friends out, my warrior

No more time for their childhood toys
thanks to God, and these soldier boys
"every right we now enjoy"
keeps the eyes of heaven crying...
"Thousand yard stare" - grew up hard and fast
more flags are flying here at half-mast
Poured in blood - this hymn is cast...
"every right" my warrior
devils run from my warrior
"every right" my warrior
devils run hard from my warrior

Take me back to the simple years
you're too young to cry these tears
swallow back ' my growing fears
I'm at peace now my warrior
Fate just return my warrior
My child my warrior.
I'll just say "thank you" to my warrior.

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2018 m. spalio 21 d. 14:37:50 2018-10-27 16:41:58
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Tikras deimantas pelenuose. Daina akustinse vietose lyg ir baladė, tačiau emociškai tai perauga į protestą, ypač hard roko dalyje. Prog rokas supaprastintas iki šokiams pritaikomos ritmikos su nuolat kartojama akcentuojama fraze, tačiau dainos eigoje spalvos tirštėja iki Magellan būdingo apsunkinto lengvumo. Žavi orkestruotė pirmoje dainos pusėje.

Šiaip, albumas gan vidutiniškas, gal todėl ši daina išsiskiria kaip Kilimandžaras Saringetyje.

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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