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Aqua Dementia


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2004 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

An invitation to clairvoyance
It's hard to stand around and watch while they ignore us
She is dumped on
Used as an ashtray
At the expense of an organized association
I see the stones in the path we laid
It's a question of tomorrow
We like to breathe the ancient wind that we have followed
A perfect fire to burn the land
Before they knew it
The sun had falledn
Boiling the water where the hydra's crawling
The righteous go in blazing fury
And we cleanse the earth to bring it down
Bring it down
And God will watch it burn
Releasing souls
Within the wrath we wait
To be dirt again
There is a flame I lit
I upon high

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Esamas tekstas

An invitation to clairvoyance
It's hard to stand around and watch while they ignore us
She is dumped on
Used as an ashtray
At the expense of an organized association
I see the stones in the path we laid
It's a question of tomorrow
We like to breathe the ancient wind that we have followed
A perfect fire to burn the land
Before they knew it
The sun had falledn
Boiling the water where the hydra's crawling
The righteous go in blazing fury
And we cleanse the earth to bring it down
Bring it down
And God will watch it burn
Releasing souls
Within the wrath we wait
To be dirt again
There is a flame I lit
I upon high

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2016 m. rugpjūčio 14 d. 12:31:50 2016-08-16 16:58:27
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šAll Music Guide ra6o: Mastodon's chosen guide is Moby Dick, and a good portion of the lyrical themes on songs like "Blood and Thunder," "I Am Ahab," "Aqua Dementia," and "Seabeast" are based on Herman Melville's dystopian waters.

Kuo čia dėta Aqua Dementia neturiu supratimo. Ji su Melvilio Mobiu Diku nesusijusi, gal tas "Aqua" kiša mintį, kad kalba eina apie vandenyną?

Bet ką galėtų reikšti Aqua dementia? Pažodžiui - vandeninga silpnaprotystė. Ko gero taip ir reikia suprasti, ir čia padeda eilutė "Boiling the water where the hydra's crawling"

Dainos tema - planetos užterštumas. Įžangoje kvietimas pažvelgti į ateitį, numatyti ją. Žmonės su Žeme elgiasi kaip su pelenine."Teisuoliai"prarado kantrybę stebėti visą tai ir būti ignoruojami tų, kurių protinis vystymasis taip ir liko amebos ar hidros lygio. Taigi, reikia planetą gyditi ugnimi. Tik kas tie dorieji teisuoliai, kurie dega įniršiu ir nekantrauja vėl tapti kūrybiniu moliu dievo rankose? Matyt tokie patys sergantys "aqua dementia".


Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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