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Herr Spiegelmann


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1996 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Look Me in the eyes and drown...

"Everyone considered the man in the blue jacket
as the most beautiful human being they have ever seen:
nuns saw on him the Messiah in flesh;
Satan's adorers the lustrous Prince of Darkness;
philosophers the Supreme Being;
young females an enchanted prince;
Men an ideal reflection of themselves."

Patrick Süskind: The Perfume ("Story Of An Assassin")

Look Me in the eyes and drown...

I am your vulture, your immoral sculpture
Mirrorman, who understands
I know you, I am you
Your fantasy and reality
I wait for you to welcome you in my dreamworld
My water-eyes

Look Me in the eyes
Touch me in the eyes and dream...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Look Me in the eyes and drown...

"Everyone considered the man in the blue jacket
as the most beautiful human being they have ever seen:
nuns saw on him the Messiah in flesh;
Satan's adorers the lustrous Prince of Darkness;
philosophers the Supreme Being;
young females an enchanted prince;
Men an ideal reflection of themselves."

Patrick Süskind: The Perfume ("Story Of An Assassin")

Look Me in the eyes and drown...

I am your vulture, your immoral sculpture
Mirrorman, who understands
I know you, I am you
Your fantasy and reality
I wait for you to welcome you in my dreamworld
My water-eyes

Look Me in the eyes
Touch me in the eyes and dream...

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