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The Rasmus

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1996 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I have always been different, I like to be,
But everytime they got something to say to me.
One day I had to be, I made a different me,
But got to trouble next day I went to school, you see.
Two big fellows, which don't much about like in me
Put me in to the games where I don't wanna be.
In other words no one to like me there.
Sometimes I really care. I can't be myself.
Then one day I didn't meet the chosen one.
I took a gun, party's just begun.
Inside of me there still lives a part of me,
It put me back to the Earth, where I belong to be.
I get along well with this feeling in my mind.
If I should say something, I would say nothing
'cause I'll kiss my only friend what I've got, ever had
But I still can't be myself.

I'm gonna be the way I wanna be,
Nobody wanna talk with me, no.

Do I have to be or let my feelings free?
Take a look at me, the way I wanna be.
I made decisions right, my feelings came from inside,
I took a drug ride, I felt part of me died.
My life turned from that good to that very bad.
There were only me, my pipe 'n' those drugs I had.
One day I just will be, I'm gonna be real me,
I think I cannot be, I can't be myself.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I have always been different, I like to be,
But everytime they got something to say to me.
One day I had to be, I made a different me,
But got to trouble next day I went to school, you see.
Two big fellows, which don't much about like in me
Put me in to the games where I don't wanna be.
In other words no one to like me there.
Sometimes I really care. I can't be myself.
Then one day I didn't meet the chosen one.
I took a gun, party's just begun.
Inside of me there still lives a part of me,
It put me back to the Earth, where I belong to be.
I get along well with this feeling in my mind.
If I should say something, I would say nothing
'cause I'll kiss my only friend what I've got, ever had
But I still can't be myself.

I'm gonna be the way I wanna be,
Nobody wanna talk with me, no.

Do I have to be or let my feelings free?
Take a look at me, the way I wanna be.
I made decisions right, my feelings came from inside,
I took a drug ride, I felt part of me died.
My life turned from that good to that very bad.
There were only me, my pipe 'n' those drugs I had.
One day I just will be, I'm gonna be real me,
I think I cannot be, I can't be myself.

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Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2005 m. kovo 30 d. 15:14:01
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
labai gera..=))

......ismokit zmones savo poelgius pasisakymus argumentuoti....o ne tusciai nezinia uz ka dalinti zodziu..nuvalkiojant ju svarba ... padarydami juos per niekingus vartoti....
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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