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Happy Days

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2008 m.

A torture chamber.....
Slow and painful.....
I scream and scream some more....
But no one hears.....
Isolated in a cold chamber.....
These steel rusty bars drenched in my own blood...
I am the disease that kills life...
I see a black hole moving towards me.....
Is it my time?
I see my uselesss rotten body from afar...
Its finally over....
And still these emotions follow me...
My Suffering continues...
I see things i once loved.....
Not caring of my non existing soul.....
I see someone moving on.....
Not even shedding a single tear....
Of my death....
I see another person.....
Being the better person.....
Comforting the other.....
making that person forget.....
Who once brought happiness.....
To her.....

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

A torture chamber.....
Slow and painful.....
I scream and scream some more....
But no one hears.....
Isolated in a cold chamber.....
These steel rusty bars drenched in my own blood...
I am the disease that kills life...
I see a black hole moving towards me.....
Is it my time?
I see my uselesss rotten body from afar...
Its finally over....
And still these emotions follow me...
My Suffering continues...
I see things i once loved.....
Not caring of my non existing soul.....
I see someone moving on.....
Not even shedding a single tear....
Of my death....
I see another person.....
Being the better person.....
Comforting the other.....
making that person forget.....
Who once brought happiness.....
To her.....

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