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No More Lies

Iron Maiden

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2003 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

There's a darkening sky before me.
There's no time to prepare.
Salvage a lost horizon
But no regrets from me.
Maybe i'll be back some other day. (some other day)
To live again, just who can say.
In what shape or form that i might be.
Just another chance for me.

A hurried time, no disgrace,
instead of racing to conclusion,
wishing all my life away,
no-one can stop me now.

Time is up, it couldn't last,
but there's more things i'd like to do,
i'm coming back,
to try again,
some day maybe i'll wait till then...
No More Lies x 8

They're all sitting at my table.
Talking tall and drinking wine.
Their time is up just like me
but They just don't know it yet.
So just a word of warning
When you're in your deepest dreams.
There's nothing you can hide from.
I've got my eye on you.

The clock is fast. The hour is near.
Eventful past is everclear.
My life is set. The time is here.
I think i'm coming home...

No More Lies x 8


A hurried time, no disgrace,
instead of racing to conclusion,
wishing all your life away,
no-one can stop me now.

Time is up, it couldn't last,
but there's more things i have to do,
i'm coming back,
to try again,
don't tell me that this is the end...

No More Lies x 11

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

There's a darkening sky before me.
There's no time to prepare.
Salvage a lost horizon
But no regrets from me.
Maybe i'll be back some other day. (some other day)
To live again, just who can say.
In what shape or form that i might be.
Just another chance for me.

A hurried time, no disgrace,
instead of racing to conclusion,
wishing all my life away,
no-one can stop me now.

Time is up, it couldn't last,
but there's more things i'd like to do,
i'm coming back,
to try again,
some day maybe i'll wait till then...
No More Lies x 8

They're all sitting at my table.
Talking tall and drinking wine.
Their time is up just like me
but They just don't know it yet.
So just a word of warning
When you're in your deepest dreams.
There's nothing you can hide from.
I've got my eye on you.

The clock is fast. The hour is near.
Eventful past is everclear.
My life is set. The time is here.
I think i'm coming home...

No More Lies x 8


A hurried time, no disgrace,
instead of racing to conclusion,
wishing all your life away,
no-one can stop me now.

Time is up, it couldn't last,
but there's more things i have to do,
i'm coming back,
to try again,
don't tell me that this is the end...

No More Lies x 11

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (5)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2009 m. lapkričio 15 d. 21:35:29
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2009 m. kovo 8 d. 09:18:05
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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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