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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2000 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

On one whole bottle "uplifting!"
There is no telling what I'll do
Run head first into traffic
A mindset of annihilation

No sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought
Ahh... no sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought inside
Your head now

Uplift - uplifting
Uplifting now

On hallucinogenic "uplift"
I can step out of my body
Religion is in myself
I'll split my head in two and see you twice

No sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought
Ahh... no sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought inside
Your head now

Uplift... uplifting
Uplifting now...
Uplifting you now...

Give me alcohol extremeties
Instead of proofless christianity
Drunked up in a coma place
Critics disgusted, but a smile on my fucking face
I do anything that I want
And I get everything that I ask
And if this message bothers you, you know
Just kiss my fucking ass hole

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

On one whole bottle "uplifting!"
There is no telling what I'll do
Run head first into traffic
A mindset of annihilation

No sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought
Ahh... no sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought inside
Your head now

Uplift - uplifting
Uplifting now

On hallucinogenic "uplift"
I can step out of my body
Religion is in myself
I'll split my head in two and see you twice

No sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought
Ahh... no sense makes sense
You can't get bought without thought inside
Your head now

Uplift... uplifting
Uplifting now...
Uplifting you now...

Give me alcohol extremeties
Instead of proofless christianity
Drunked up in a coma place
Critics disgusted, but a smile on my fucking face
I do anything that I want
And I get everything that I ask
And if this message bothers you, you know
Just kiss my fucking ass hole

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