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Face it alone


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Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

When something so near and dear to life
Explodes inside
You feel your soul
Is set on fire
When something so deep and so far and wide
Falls down beside
Your cries can be heard
So loud and clear

Your life is your own
You're in charge of yourself
Master of your home
In the end, in the end
You have to face it all alone

When something so dear to your life
Explodes inside
You feel your soul
Is burned alive
When something so deep and so far and wide
Falls down beside
Your cries can be heard
So loud and clear

Your life is your own
You're in charge of yourself
Master of your home
In the end, in the end
You have to face it all alone

When the moon has lost its glow...
When the moon has lost its glow...
When the moon has
When the moon has lost its glow...
When the moon
When the moon has lost its glow
You have to face it all alone

 2023-08-06  Alvydas1 - Queen - Pats vienas pasitikt tai turi. (Face it alone)

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

When something so near and dear to life
Explodes inside
You feel your soul
Is set on fire
When something so deep and so far and wide
Falls down beside
Your cries can be heard
So loud and clear

Your life is your own
You're in charge of yourself
Master of your home
In the end, in the end
You have to face it all alone

When something so dear to your life
Explodes inside
You feel your soul
Is burned alive
When something so deep and so far and wide
Falls down beside
Your cries can be heard
So loud and clear

Your life is your own
You're in charge of yourself
Master of your home
In the end, in the end
You have to face it all alone

When the moon has lost its glow...
When the moon has lost its glow...
When the moon has
When the moon has lost its glow...
When the moon
When the moon has lost its glow
You have to face it all alone

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2023 m. rugpjūčio 15 d. 19:57:08
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Šį rudenį būtų sulaukęs 77: kaip ABBA, Bee Gees lyderiai, David Gilmour, Robert Fripp ar Justin Hayward. Gaila. 

„Bendrauti su žmonėmis yra bene didžiausia problema, su kuria jūs susiduriate”. Deilas Karnegis
2023 m. gegužės 16 d. 18:38:29
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

uhu, užtruko... Aš šią dainą gal prieš kokius 2 ar 3 mėnesius išgirdau, jei ne seniau, na tikrai metų pradžioj. Tikrai kažkas nerealaus. 

2023 m. gegužės 15 d. 23:21:30 2023-05-16 21:13:30
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Šiandien pirmą kartą išgirdau per radio laidą "Žvaigždės žiūri į žemę". Reanimuotas 1988 metų nebaigtas mėginimas albumui "Miracle". Garso operatoriai ir visi trys Queen nariai prisidėjo prie to, kad iš fragmentėlių būtų atgamintas ir užbaigtas tada dar su Fredžiu pradėtas darbas. Pasijutau lyg spiritistiniame seanse.

"Your life is your own

You're in charge of yourselfMaster of your homeIn the end, in the endYou have to face it all alone" - taigi, Fredi, jau tada gana tiesmukai pasakei, kad kovoji su artėjančia mirtimi.


Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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