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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1995 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

It started when we were
Little kids free spirits but
Already tormented by our own hands
Given to us by our parents we got together
And wrote on desks and slept in laundry
Rooms near snowy mountains & slipped through
Whatever cracks we can find minds altered
We didn't falter in portraying hysterical
And tragic characters in a smog filled
Universe we loved the dirty city and the
Journeys away from it we had not yet been
Or seen our friends selves chase tails round
And round in downward spiral leaving trail
Of irretrievable vital life juice behind still
The brothersbloodcomradespartnerfamilycuzz
Was impenetrable
And we lived inside it laughing with no clothes
And everything experimental 'till death was
Upon us in our face mortality and
Lots of things seemed futile then but
Love and music can save us and did while
The giant grey monster grew more poisoned
And volatile around us jaws clamping down
And spewing ugly shit around nothing
Is the same so we keep moving.

Went off and got some hair cuts
Lookin' wild & got all drugged up
Hopped a train into the night
Got a ride with a transvestite
Two boys in San Francisco
Two boys in San Francisco
Blasted off in a BART bathroom
Those coppers woke us up
Motherfuckers woke us up

Two young brothers on a hover craft
Telepathics love and belly laughs

Storm the stage of Universal
Slim shine talk box go subversal
Papa's proud and so he sent us
Pounding hearts full and relentless
Two boys in London, England
Two boys in London, England
Climbing out of hostel windows
Wearing gear so out but in though
Come on kid and do the no no

Two young brothers on a hover craft
Telepathics, love and belly laughs

We went to Fairfax High School
Jumped off buildings into their pools
We'd sit down and grease at Canters
Run like hell they can't catch us
Two boys in L.A. proper
Two boys in L.A. proper
Stealin' anything that we could
Gotta sneak into the Starwood
Gotta peak into the deep good

I remember 10 years ago
In Hollywood we did some good
And we did some real bad stuff
But the Butthole Surfers
Always said it's better to regret
Something you did
Than something you didn't do
We were young and we
Were looking for the deep kick...
Seen 'em come seen

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

It started when we were
Little kids free spirits but
Already tormented by our own hands
Given to us by our parents we got together
And wrote on desks and slept in laundry
Rooms near snowy mountains & slipped through
Whatever cracks we can find minds altered
We didn't falter in portraying hysterical
And tragic characters in a smog filled
Universe we loved the dirty city and the
Journeys away from it we had not yet been
Or seen our friends selves chase tails round
And round in downward spiral leaving trail
Of irretrievable vital life juice behind still
The brothersbloodcomradespartnerfamilycuzz
Was impenetrable
And we lived inside it laughing with no clothes
And everything experimental 'till death was
Upon us in our face mortality and
Lots of things seemed futile then but
Love and music can save us and did while
The giant grey monster grew more poisoned
And volatile around us jaws clamping down
And spewing ugly shit around nothing
Is the same so we keep moving.

Went off and got some hair cuts
Lookin' wild & got all drugged up
Hopped a train into the night
Got a ride with a transvestite
Two boys in San Francisco
Two boys in San Francisco
Blasted off in a BART bathroom
Those coppers woke us up
Motherfuckers woke us up

Two young brothers on a hover craft
Telepathics love and belly laughs

Storm the stage of Universal
Slim shine talk box go subversal
Papa's proud and so he sent us
Pounding hearts full and relentless
Two boys in London, England
Two boys in London, England
Climbing out of hostel windows
Wearing gear so out but in though
Come on kid and do the no no

Two young brothers on a hover craft
Telepathics, love and belly laughs

We went to Fairfax High School
Jumped off buildings into their pools
We'd sit down and grease at Canters
Run like hell they can't catch us
Two boys in L.A. proper
Two boys in L.A. proper
Stealin' anything that we could
Gotta sneak into the Starwood
Gotta peak into the deep good

I remember 10 years ago
In Hollywood we did some good
And we did some real bad stuff
But the Butthole Surfers
Always said it's better to regret
Something you did
Than something you didn't do
We were young and we
Were looking for the deep kick...
Seen 'em come seen

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