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Revenant Wars


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika

Resurrected to die
brought back to suffer
reanimated flesh only here to die once more

Walking puppets
chemically controlled
sacks of putrid human gore awakened to wage war

Bloated troops of doom
pusfilled heaps of rot
slouching forth to conquer the zombie wars

Moaning hordes of the undead
crawling towards the end
even when dislimbed they’re coming for your flesh

invasion has come
Revenant wars
legions of ghosts
Revenant wars

undead walking fear
Revenant wars
soon they will be here
Revenant wars

Resurrected to die
brought back to suffer
reanimated flesh only here to die once more

Walking puppets
chemically controlled
sacks of putrid human gore awakened to wage war

undead walking fear
Revenant wars
soon they will be here
Revenant wars

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Resurrected to die
brought back to suffer
reanimated flesh only here to die once more

Walking puppets
chemically controlled
sacks of putrid human gore awakened to wage war

Bloated troops of doom
pusfilled heaps of rot
slouching forth to conquer the zombie wars

Moaning hordes of the undead
crawling towards the end
even when dislimbed they’re coming for your flesh

invasion has come
Revenant wars
legions of ghosts
Revenant wars

undead walking fear
Revenant wars
soon they will be here
Revenant wars

Resurrected to die
brought back to suffer
reanimated flesh only here to die once more

Walking puppets
chemically controlled
sacks of putrid human gore awakened to wage war

undead walking fear
Revenant wars
soon they will be here
Revenant wars

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