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Somebody's Me

Enrique Iglesias

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Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2007 m.

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Somebody's Me

Do you remember me like I remember you
Do you spend your life going back in your mind to the time

Coz I
I walk the streets alone I hate being my own
and everyone can see that I real fair and I'm going for her
thinking about you was somebody else

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely
Somebody holds I won't think you will see
That somebody's me
That somebody's me

How did we go wrong
It was so good and now it's gone
Then I pray at night
that our passing will cross
what we had is a lost
Coz you're always you're here in my lost

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely
Somebody holds at someday you will see
That somebody's me oh yeah

You'll always be in my life
Even if I'm not in your life
It's in my memory

Now when you remember me
And before you set me free
Oh listen please

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely
Somebody holds that someday you will see
That somebody's me
Somebody's me
Somebody's me
Somebody's me

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Esamas tekstas

Somebody's Me

Do you remember me like I remember you
Do you spend your life going back in your mind to the time

Coz I
I walk the streets alone I hate being my own
and everyone can see that I real fair and I'm going for her
thinking about you was somebody else

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely
Somebody holds I won't think you will see
That somebody's me
That somebody's me

How did we go wrong
It was so good and now it's gone
Then I pray at night
that our passing will cross
what we had is a lost
Coz you're always you're here in my lost

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely
Somebody holds at someday you will see
That somebody's me oh yeah

You'll always be in my life
Even if I'm not in your life
It's in my memory

Now when you remember me
And before you set me free
Oh listen please

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely
Somebody holds that someday you will see
That somebody's me
Somebody's me
Somebody's me
Somebody's me

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Komentarai (3)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2011 m. sausio 10 d. 17:23:52
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
kai kurie dainos teksto zodziai netikslus

I miss you so bad..
2011 m. sausio 10 d. 17:20:50
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
kai kurie dainos teksto zodziai netikslus

I miss you so bad..
2009 m. spalio 3 d. 14:59:53
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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