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My Friend Goo

Sonic Youth

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 1990 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

My friend Goo has a real tattoo
She always knows just what to do
She looks through her hair like she doesn't care (?)
What she does best is stand and stare

She can play the drums set too
And the boys say: "hey Goo what's new?"' hey Goo what's new?
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"

I know a secret or two about Goo
She won't mind if I tell you
She likes to wear green underwear
And lays down almost anywhere

She doesn't have nothing to do
And the boys say: "hey Goo what's new?"' hey Goo what's new?
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"

I know a secret or two about Goo
She won't mind if i tell you
I know a secret or two about Goo
I know a secret about Goo and you

And she sticks just like glue
And the boys say: "hey Goo what's new?"' hey Goo what's new?
My friend Goo just goes: "Hey you"
My friend Goo just goes: "Hey you"

Goo Goo Goo

Goo Goo Goo

Goo Goo Goo
My friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo
Talkin' 'bout Goo
Goo Goo Goo
My friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo
You would too

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

My friend Goo has a real tattoo
She always knows just what to do
She looks through her hair like she doesn't care (?)
What she does best is stand and stare

She can play the drums set too
And the boys say: "hey Goo what's new?"' hey Goo what's new?
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"

I know a secret or two about Goo
She won't mind if I tell you
She likes to wear green underwear
And lays down almost anywhere

She doesn't have nothing to do
And the boys say: "hey Goo what's new?"' hey Goo what's new?
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"
My friend Goo just says: "Hey you"

I know a secret or two about Goo
She won't mind if i tell you
I know a secret or two about Goo
I know a secret about Goo and you

And she sticks just like glue
And the boys say: "hey Goo what's new?"' hey Goo what's new?
My friend Goo just goes: "Hey you"
My friend Goo just goes: "Hey you"

Goo Goo Goo

Goo Goo Goo

Goo Goo Goo
My friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo
Talkin' 'bout Goo
Goo Goo Goo
My friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo
You would too

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