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Spirit Spiral

Tangerine Dream

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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2004 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Lyrics originally in French
(chorus lyrics are unknown)

Purgatorio: Cantos XXVI and XXIX

When Dante, Virgil, and Statius have arrived at the end of the end of the final terrace, an angel tells them they must walk through the fire before they can climb the stairs. When Dante hears this, he is thoroughly terrified but Virgil encourages him saying that if he is brave enough to go through the fire, he'll get to see Beatrice. When Dante enters the fire, he says it's so hot that he wished he could jump into molten glass to cool himself down! Ouch!

After they make it through, Virgil gives a congratulatory speech to Dante (see video 20 Death of Medusa for further details).

Reaching the top of the mountain, Dante enters the earthly paradise (AKA the Garden of Eden). There he sees the entire bible marching towards him in triumph. He sees 4 lovely ladies representing the 4 cardinal virtues (Prudence, Temperence, Fortitude and Justice) and 3 other lovely ladies representing the 3 theological virtues (Faith, Hope, and Charity) and in addition, Saint Paul and Saint Luke. He sees the beasts of Revelation and riding on the griffon is Beatrice (for further detail, see video 20 Death of Medusa).

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Esamas tekstas

Lyrics originally in French
(chorus lyrics are unknown)

Purgatorio: Cantos XXVI and XXIX

When Dante, Virgil, and Statius have arrived at the end of the end of the final terrace, an angel tells them they must walk through the fire before they can climb the stairs. When Dante hears this, he is thoroughly terrified but Virgil encourages him saying that if he is brave enough to go through the fire, he'll get to see Beatrice. When Dante enters the fire, he says it's so hot that he wished he could jump into molten glass to cool himself down! Ouch!

After they make it through, Virgil gives a congratulatory speech to Dante (see video 20 Death of Medusa for further details).

Reaching the top of the mountain, Dante enters the earthly paradise (AKA the Garden of Eden). There he sees the entire bible marching towards him in triumph. He sees 4 lovely ladies representing the 4 cardinal virtues (Prudence, Temperence, Fortitude and Justice) and 3 other lovely ladies representing the 3 theological virtues (Faith, Hope, and Charity) and in addition, Saint Paul and Saint Luke. He sees the beasts of Revelation and riding on the griffon is Beatrice (for further detail, see video 20 Death of Medusa).

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2014 m. rugsėjo 28 d. 10:17:18
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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