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Too High

Stevie Wonder

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1973 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo
Dodo dodo do do

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do do do dodo do
Dodo dodo dodo

I'm too high
I'm too high
But I ain't touched the sky

I'm too high
I'm too high
But I ain't touched the sky

She's a girl in a dream
She sees a four-eyed cartoon monster
On the T.V. screen
She takes another puff and says
"It's a crazy scene"
That red is green
And she's a tangerine

I'm too high
I'm too high
But I ain't left the ground

I'm too high
I'm too high
I hope I never ever come down

She's the girl in her life
But her world's a superficial paradise
She had a chance to make it big more than once or twice
But no dice
She wasn't very nice


Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo
Do do do do do do

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo
Dodo dodo
Dodo dodo
Dodo dodo

I'm too high
I'm too high
I'm so high
I feel like I'm about to die

I can't ever touch the sky

I'm too high
She's a girl of the past
I guess that I got to her at last
A did you hear the news about the girl today
She passed away
What did her friend say

They said she's too high
Too high
Can't hang around anyway...

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo
Dodo dodo do do

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do do do dodo do
Dodo dodo dodo

I'm too high
I'm too high
But I ain't touched the sky

I'm too high
I'm too high
But I ain't touched the sky

She's a girl in a dream
She sees a four-eyed cartoon monster
On the T.V. screen
She takes another puff and says
"It's a crazy scene"
That red is green
And she's a tangerine

I'm too high
I'm too high
But I ain't left the ground

I'm too high
I'm too high
I hope I never ever come down

She's the girl in her life
But her world's a superficial paradise
She had a chance to make it big more than once or twice
But no dice
She wasn't very nice


Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo
Do do do do do do

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo
Dodo dodo
Dodo dodo
Dodo dodo

I'm too high
I'm too high
I'm so high
I feel like I'm about to die

I can't ever touch the sky

I'm too high
She's a girl of the past
I guess that I got to her at last
A did you hear the news about the girl today
She passed away
What did her friend say

They said she's too high
Too high
Can't hang around anyway...

Dodo do do do dodo
Do do dodo do dodo

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