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Talk Talk


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1998 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Driftin' in the streetlight
Dancin' in the twilight zone
Dreamin' of a spotlight
Don't wanna go back home

Joe and his buddies are hangin' around

Bad reputation all over the town
All they ever gonna do
Is talk, talk, talk, talk

Lucy and Debbie and Donna and Joyce
Bad reputation the same as the boys
All they ever wanna do
Is walk, walk, walk, walk

Standin' on the sidwalk
Starin' at the storefront signs
Waitin' at the bus stop, truck stop
The hurry up and wait stop
They don't mind

Tony and Billy and Johnny and Sam
Struttin' and showin' they don't give a damn
All they ever gonna do
Is talk, talk, talk, talk

Cindy and Sunny and Sally and Sue
Thinkin' they're somethin', they're better than you
All they ever wanna do
Is walk, walk, walk, walk

They're lookin' forward and movin' backwards fast
They gotta have a future
'Cos sure as hell ain't got no past
But in the meantime

They're lookin' forward and movin' backwards fast
They gotta have a future
'Cos sure as hell they got no past

They always have a good time
They never get a wake up call
They're hangin' out at maisies and daisies
They always love the crazies
That ain't all

Tony and Billy and Johnny and Sam
Struttin' and showin' they don't give a damn
But all they ever gonna do
Is talk, talk, talk, talk

Cindy and Sunny and Sally and Sue
Thinkin' they're somethin', they're better than you
All they ever wanna do
Is walk, walk, walk, walk

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Driftin' in the streetlight
Dancin' in the twilight zone
Dreamin' of a spotlight
Don't wanna go back home

Joe and his buddies are hangin' around

Bad reputation all over the town
All they ever gonna do
Is talk, talk, talk, talk

Lucy and Debbie and Donna and Joyce
Bad reputation the same as the boys
All they ever wanna do
Is walk, walk, walk, walk

Standin' on the sidwalk
Starin' at the storefront signs
Waitin' at the bus stop, truck stop
The hurry up and wait stop
They don't mind

Tony and Billy and Johnny and Sam
Struttin' and showin' they don't give a damn
All they ever gonna do
Is talk, talk, talk, talk

Cindy and Sunny and Sally and Sue
Thinkin' they're somethin', they're better than you
All they ever wanna do
Is walk, walk, walk, walk

They're lookin' forward and movin' backwards fast
They gotta have a future
'Cos sure as hell ain't got no past
But in the meantime

They're lookin' forward and movin' backwards fast
They gotta have a future
'Cos sure as hell they got no past

They always have a good time
They never get a wake up call
They're hangin' out at maisies and daisies
They always love the crazies
That ain't all

Tony and Billy and Johnny and Sam
Struttin' and showin' they don't give a damn
But all they ever gonna do
Is talk, talk, talk, talk

Cindy and Sunny and Sally and Sue
Thinkin' they're somethin', they're better than you
All they ever wanna do
Is walk, walk, walk, walk

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