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The Art of Being a Girl

Julee Cruise

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2002 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Don't say anything darling, just smile

Say something sweetly
But carry a big gun

Try stylish but sexy
And marry a rich man

'Cause it's the art of being a girl

Spill on me like water
There's no mess, it's not yours

'Cause it's the art of being a girl
Yes it's the art of being a girl

Use teardrops gently
But always get your way

'Cause it's the art of being a girl
Yes it's the art of being a girl

Don't say anything darling, just smile
You won't worry honey, you won't even get a chance to talk

Yeah, right

Hi ... ummm ... this is room 207
I need an order of ... um ... let's see ...
Scrambled eggs ... not ... not runny ...
not with the albuben in it ...
Ah .. just .. ah ... albumen ... I don't ...
i guess scrambled eggs hard ...
So ... and then I want a pot of decafe coffee,
and a pot of regular coffee ...
And in the decafe coffee, can you
put a shot of decafe espresso in the
decafe coffee?
And give me lots of extra half-and-half please
No a shot of ... yeah, a shot of ...
of of of espresso, but decafe espresso
in the decafe ...
And I want them both small ... size small ...
Yeah, and regular ... ye ye yeah, regular coffee too ...
Ok thanks, yeah ...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Don't say anything darling, just smile

Say something sweetly
But carry a big gun

Try stylish but sexy
And marry a rich man

'Cause it's the art of being a girl

Spill on me like water
There's no mess, it's not yours

'Cause it's the art of being a girl
Yes it's the art of being a girl

Use teardrops gently
But always get your way

'Cause it's the art of being a girl
Yes it's the art of being a girl

Don't say anything darling, just smile
You won't worry honey, you won't even get a chance to talk

Yeah, right

Hi ... ummm ... this is room 207
I need an order of ... um ... let's see ...
Scrambled eggs ... not ... not runny ...
not with the albuben in it ...
Ah .. just .. ah ... albumen ... I don't ...
i guess scrambled eggs hard ...
So ... and then I want a pot of decafe coffee,
and a pot of regular coffee ...
And in the decafe coffee, can you
put a shot of decafe espresso in the
decafe coffee?
And give me lots of extra half-and-half please
No a shot of ... yeah, a shot of ...
of of of espresso, but decafe espresso
in the decafe ...
And I want them both small ... size small ...
Yeah, and regular ... ye ye yeah, regular coffee too ...
Ok thanks, yeah ...

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