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The Camera Never Lies

Elton John

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1988 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I see you tempt the night
I see you take a bite
You can tell me you were home
But the camera never lies

You walk out in disguise
To pull the wool over my eyes
You play me for a fool
To believe your alibis

And you can count on being safe as houses
Underestimate my eyes
But you can't argue with the image
The camera never lies

There's no distance put between us
Safe enough for you to hide
I'm watching all of your secrets
The camera never lies

I recommend first prize
For acting so surprised
For acting like you love me
The camera never lies

I'll take my wounded pride
I'll take it on the chin
Your profile fills the frame
How good you look on film

Smoke screens and sweet deceiving
Replace the face of trust
The shutter falls each time you meet him
A negative becomes my plus

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I see you tempt the night
I see you take a bite
You can tell me you were home
But the camera never lies

You walk out in disguise
To pull the wool over my eyes
You play me for a fool
To believe your alibis

And you can count on being safe as houses
Underestimate my eyes
But you can't argue with the image
The camera never lies

There's no distance put between us
Safe enough for you to hide
I'm watching all of your secrets
The camera never lies

I recommend first prize
For acting so surprised
For acting like you love me
The camera never lies

I'll take my wounded pride
I'll take it on the chin
Your profile fills the frame
How good you look on film

Smoke screens and sweet deceiving
Replace the face of trust
The shutter falls each time you meet him
A negative becomes my plus

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