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Sleep When I'm Dead

The Cure

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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2008 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead

But until then..."

They told me I would live forever
If I kept it clean
They said I would be the chosen one
If I took one for the team

Yeah it's the only way to be
Never think it isn't fair
That's a green eyed panic climb
To the edge of nowhere

Give it to the chicken
And see if it ticks
Yeah give it to the kitten
And see if it sicks
Then give it to the wonderful
Wonderful me
And I will tell on my return
The way it is
With all the happy boys and girls
Yeah the whole h-h-happy world
And the love they feel for me
Yeah the love they feel for me

"Sleep when I'm dead
You angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead
You angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said

They told me I could run the world
If I kept it quiet
They said I could be the man
If I took it out of sight

In a monkey suit again
Having fun with all your friends
How a casual hour can pull
All this world to pieces

Give it to the bunny
And see if she kicks
Yeah give it to the puppy
And see if he sticks
Then give it to the wonderful
Wonderful me
I'll let you know when I get back
Just how it is
With all the other boys and girls
Yeah the whole f... f...
Other world

And the way it stirs inside
And the why it never burns at night
And the way they make the climb
And the why they never pray for time
And the way I show surprise
And the why I never close my eyes
Yeah just how it is...

"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead

But until then..."

I should at least feel tired I think
Before I lay me down to dream

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead

But until then..."

They told me I would live forever
If I kept it clean
They said I would be the chosen one
If I took one for the team

Yeah it's the only way to be
Never think it isn't fair
That's a green eyed panic climb
To the edge of nowhere

Give it to the chicken
And see if it ticks
Yeah give it to the kitten
And see if it sicks
Then give it to the wonderful
Wonderful me
And I will tell on my return
The way it is
With all the happy boys and girls
Yeah the whole h-h-happy world
And the love they feel for me
Yeah the love they feel for me

"Sleep when I'm dead
You angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead
You angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said

They told me I could run the world
If I kept it quiet
They said I could be the man
If I took it out of sight

In a monkey suit again
Having fun with all your friends
How a casual hour can pull
All this world to pieces

Give it to the bunny
And see if she kicks
Yeah give it to the puppy
And see if he sticks
Then give it to the wonderful
Wonderful me
I'll let you know when I get back
Just how it is
With all the other boys and girls
Yeah the whole f... f...
Other world

And the way it stirs inside
And the why it never burns at night
And the way they make the climb
And the why they never pray for time
And the way I show surprise
And the why I never close my eyes
Yeah just how it is...

"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead" I said
"Sleep when I'm dead you angels
I'll sleep when I'm dead

But until then..."

I should at least feel tired I think
Before I lay me down to dream

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