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Variety Is The Spice Of Life

The Doors

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1972 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Well variety is the spice of life
Thats what the judge is gonna tell my wife
She said why did you have to do it?, why you such a fool?
I can't resist to try something new

Well the judge said guilty in the first degree
I said can I help it if I take all the publicity
All these pretty women, with nothing to do
C'mon and help me try to find something new

You gotta try everything once
You better take out some insurance
You gotta try everything once
You better build up your endurance

Well variety is the spice of life
Thats what the judge is gonna tell my wife
She said why did you have to do it?, why you such a fool?
I can't resist to try something new

You got a full house babe, I got four of a kind
I'm watching six different televisions all at one time
You know I love you baby, sad but it's true

You gotta try everything once
You better take out some insurance
You gotta try everything once
You better build up your endurance

Well variety is the spice of life
Thats what the judge is gonna tell my wife
She said why did you have to do it?, why you such a fool?
I can't resist to try something new

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Well variety is the spice of life
Thats what the judge is gonna tell my wife
She said why did you have to do it?, why you such a fool?
I can't resist to try something new

Well the judge said guilty in the first degree
I said can I help it if I take all the publicity
All these pretty women, with nothing to do
C'mon and help me try to find something new

You gotta try everything once
You better take out some insurance
You gotta try everything once
You better build up your endurance

Well variety is the spice of life
Thats what the judge is gonna tell my wife
She said why did you have to do it?, why you such a fool?
I can't resist to try something new

You got a full house babe, I got four of a kind
I'm watching six different televisions all at one time
You know I love you baby, sad but it's true

You gotta try everything once
You better take out some insurance
You gotta try everything once
You better build up your endurance

Well variety is the spice of life
Thats what the judge is gonna tell my wife
She said why did you have to do it?, why you such a fool?
I can't resist to try something new

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2011 m. lapkričio 30 d. 16:23:41
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Rokenrolo ritmas įprastas Doors'ams, bet čia jis pernelyg aiškus, bet vistiek labai gera daina

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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