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The Last of Us


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2015 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

The Last of Us

Let me guide you to where it's silent
Across the limit of survivors guilt
The crowds are waiting, the sigh was taken by the burning sun
We're moving on the straight line into depths unknown

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Nothing but eternity

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Before we find our destiny

Let me touch you where's forbidden
And test the limits of your sanctity

The crowd's suspending they have sweet making for the lust of gods
The fire burns as if there's no tomorrow, no tomorrow

You know, my heart will fail
You know, my back will break
And again and again
It will hurt just for you to reveal my pain

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Nothing but eternity

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Before we find our destiny

Black magic, unconditional love
Black magic unconditional
Black magic, unconditional lust
Black magic irresistable

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 12, aukščiausia vieta: 6
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The Last of Us

Let me guide you to where it's silent
Across the limit of survivors guilt
The crowds are waiting, the sigh was taken by the burning sun
We're moving on the straight line into depths unknown

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Nothing but eternity

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Before we find our destiny

Let me touch you where's forbidden
And test the limits of your sanctity

The crowd's suspending they have sweet making for the lust of gods
The fire burns as if there's no tomorrow, no tomorrow

You know, my heart will fail
You know, my back will break
And again and again
It will hurt just for you to reveal my pain

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Nothing but eternity

My curse is to love you
Until we see the last of us
Our chance of surrender
Before we find our destiny

Black magic, unconditional love
Black magic unconditional
Black magic, unconditional lust
Black magic irresistable

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