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Everyone Understands

The Leisure Society

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2013 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

God-damned these things that keep bleeding
I'm wriggling like a dog in a sack
Taunt by the thought but
Still grinning like a criminal
What do you get for all the
Free wheeling?
A Pirouette in a castle of sand
Try for the prize and unravel in
The blink of an eye
You've been given a role that everyone understands
To be given a role that everyone understands
With the money that you hawk
You build another wall
Unhook the phone
Stop ringing
Come at the outcome of the man
Feeling the heat and the oven isn't even on
The eyes in the night are not fiddles
Trembling in the weight of the air
Regards us now their menace is subliminal
You've been given a role that everyone understands
To be given a role that everyone understands
Whith the money that you hawk
You build another wall
Beats in the feed
You can do what you want with it
I took the owners to hell with the ownership
Five years and sixes and sevens
Sated the taste by not singing
Too many inns and not enough outs
Slain on the eve of another indefensible day
This isn't quite what I had envisaged
Whithering with the NišIćibee
The flame on the lawn overran us
In the dead of the night
You've been given a role that everyone understands
To be given a role that everyone understands
With the money that you hawk
You can build nothing at all

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

God-damned these things that keep bleeding
I'm wriggling like a dog in a sack
Taunt by the thought but
Still grinning like a criminal
What do you get for all the
Free wheeling?
A Pirouette in a castle of sand
Try for the prize and unravel in
The blink of an eye
You've been given a role that everyone understands
To be given a role that everyone understands
With the money that you hawk
You build another wall
Unhook the phone
Stop ringing
Come at the outcome of the man
Feeling the heat and the oven isn't even on
The eyes in the night are not fiddles
Trembling in the weight of the air
Regards us now their menace is subliminal
You've been given a role that everyone understands
To be given a role that everyone understands
Whith the money that you hawk
You build another wall
Beats in the feed
You can do what you want with it
I took the owners to hell with the ownership
Five years and sixes and sevens
Sated the taste by not singing
Too many inns and not enough outs
Slain on the eve of another indefensible day
This isn't quite what I had envisaged
Whithering with the NišIćibee
The flame on the lawn overran us
In the dead of the night
You've been given a role that everyone understands
To be given a role that everyone understands
With the money that you hawk
You can build nothing at all

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