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Life Is A Cabriolet

The Leisure Society

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2013 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

All the rain keeps us up all night
It drips through cracks and it fuses light
But the life we used to live
Was so much sadder than this
Now you're teaching me wrong from right
I am the thorn in your tender side
A convict cast in chains
A soul that won't be saved
Won't be saved
And it's so good to see you smile
As we make light of those darker times
When hopelessness was hit
And tragedy a thing
In the arc of the crazy ride
The wheels careened off the mountainside
Let every heart confess
In breath upon the glass
Don't look back
These ups and downs will soon come round
Your expectations frayed
Oh, life is a cabriolet!

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

All the rain keeps us up all night
It drips through cracks and it fuses light
But the life we used to live
Was so much sadder than this
Now you're teaching me wrong from right
I am the thorn in your tender side
A convict cast in chains
A soul that won't be saved
Won't be saved
And it's so good to see you smile
As we make light of those darker times
When hopelessness was hit
And tragedy a thing
In the arc of the crazy ride
The wheels careened off the mountainside
Let every heart confess
In breath upon the glass
Don't look back
These ups and downs will soon come round
Your expectations frayed
Oh, life is a cabriolet!

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