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The Memory Traveller


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2012 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

The summer heat
Came to me
but I wouldn't
kiss your lips
like I used to do
when I was at peace
at peace with my
whole soul

you were as dry
as a crumbling wall
you were as cold
as a still breath
slowing down the beats
in my pounding heart
leaving pure air
outside my lungs

The winter cold
Came to me
but I wouldn't
lick your lips
like I used to do
when I was at war
at war with my
crushed soul

you were as pale
as a passing ghost
you were as far
as a moving star
nailing down to earth
my highest hopes
spitting poison
inside my lungs

He's yet to come
and closed the heart
like a fire on which water falls
like a sun whose flame
doesn't heat
he lost his eyes
in the fire (x2)

Reaching out
in the wind
withering eyes
memories opened wide
a drawer full of
old stillshots
memories scared
a mind full of
dead and empty

Topai ir rinkimai:
Anapus FM - Anapus FM | Nr. 7 | 2012 m. rugsėjo 26 d.
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The summer heat
Came to me
but I wouldn't
kiss your lips
like I used to do
when I was at peace
at peace with my
whole soul

you were as dry
as a crumbling wall
you were as cold
as a still breath
slowing down the beats
in my pounding heart
leaving pure air
outside my lungs

The winter cold
Came to me
but I wouldn't
lick your lips
like I used to do
when I was at war
at war with my
crushed soul

you were as pale
as a passing ghost
you were as far
as a moving star
nailing down to earth
my highest hopes
spitting poison
inside my lungs

He's yet to come
and closed the heart
like a fire on which water falls
like a sun whose flame
doesn't heat
he lost his eyes
in the fire (x2)

Reaching out
in the wind
withering eyes
memories opened wide
a drawer full of
old stillshots
memories scared
a mind full of
dead and empty

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