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Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?) / (Evening) Time to Get Away

The Moody Blues

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1967 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

1.The Afternoon: Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)
(by Justin Hayward)
Time To Get Away
(by John Lodge)
Tuesday afternoon
I'm just beginning to see
Now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me
Chasing the clouds away

Something calls to me
The trees are drawing me near
I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh

I'm looking at myself
Reflections of my mind
It's just the kind of day
To leave myself behind
So gently swaying
Through the fairy-land of love
If you'll just come with me
And see the beauty of

Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday afternoon

Tuesday, afternoon
I'm just beginning to see
Now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me
Chasing the clouds away

Something calls to me
The trees are drawing me near
I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh

Time To Get Away
(by John Lodge)
Evening has come to pass
The time of day doesn't last
Evening has earned its place today
I'm tired of working away

Working, living it brings
Only way to have those things
Toiling has bought too many tears
Turn round all those past years

Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
Till next day

Live all you people
You can see where you're at
It doesn't really hurt you
So that can depend

Evening time to get away

Live all you people
You can see where you're at
It doesn't really hurt you
So that can depend

Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

1.The Afternoon: Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)
(by Justin Hayward)
Time To Get Away
(by John Lodge)
Tuesday afternoon
I'm just beginning to see
Now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me
Chasing the clouds away

Something calls to me
The trees are drawing me near
I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh

I'm looking at myself
Reflections of my mind
It's just the kind of day
To leave myself behind
So gently swaying
Through the fairy-land of love
If you'll just come with me
And see the beauty of

Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday afternoon

Tuesday, afternoon
I'm just beginning to see
Now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me
Chasing the clouds away

Something calls to me
The trees are drawing me near
I've got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh

Time To Get Away
(by John Lodge)
Evening has come to pass
The time of day doesn't last
Evening has earned its place today
I'm tired of working away

Working, living it brings
Only way to have those things
Toiling has bought too many tears
Turn round all those past years

Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
Till next day

Live all you people
You can see where you're at
It doesn't really hurt you
So that can depend

Evening time to get away

Live all you people
You can see where you're at
It doesn't really hurt you
So that can depend

Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2010 m. kovo 8 d. 12:11:02
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Popietė, antradienis
Jau daros aiškiau man -
Aš savame kely.
Nieko nereiškia man
Debesis išvaikyt.

Šaukia kažkas mane.
Prie medžių traukia artyn.
Turiu sužinoti, kodėl
Švelnūs balsai išgirsti
Aiškina dejuodami vėl.

Apžiūrinėju save.
Atspindžius savo minčių.
Ši diena kaip tiktai
Atsilikt, tuo pačiu
Svirduliuoti lengvai
Po meilės stebuklų kraštus,
Jei grožio žiūrėt su manim
Kartu eisi ir tu.


Vakaras kaskart vis arčiau
Diena išsikvėpt baigia jau.
Vakaras nusipelė savo, išties
Pavargau aš dirbt iš peties.

Darbas gyvenime aplamai,
Vienintėlis būdas turėt visą tai.
Kainavęs ašarų triūsas kartu
Apvertė visus pastaruosius metus.

Vakaras laikas atsipūst.
Vakaras laikas atsipūst.
Vakaras laikas atsipūst.
Iki rytoj.

Gyvenkite, visi žmones.
Žinot, kur atsidūrėte jūs.
Neturėtų labai jūsų skaudint,
Čia dar neaišku, kaip bus.

Vakaras laikas atsipūst.


Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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