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The Sleep


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1990 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Understanding what has
Happened before us
We are confined to a
Darkened hidden tomb
The conquering of our world
As we knew it
Rise above this pit
Of sorrow and pain
Among the few
We are the avant leaders
We've got to live
Through this trouble and decay

This question haunts my mind
Will we survive this night?
We're harboring the meek
Will we survive the sleep?

Unsure and scared
We are planning our reprise
Revolves around this world
We don't know anymore
The odds against us
Yet we're stronger and prevailing
Learn from mistakes
Counting souls for sale

This question haunts my mind
Will we survive this night?
We're harboring the meek
Will we survive the sleep?

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Understanding what has
Happened before us
We are confined to a
Darkened hidden tomb
The conquering of our world
As we knew it
Rise above this pit
Of sorrow and pain
Among the few
We are the avant leaders
We've got to live
Through this trouble and decay

This question haunts my mind
Will we survive this night?
We're harboring the meek
Will we survive the sleep?

Unsure and scared
We are planning our reprise
Revolves around this world
We don't know anymore
The odds against us
Yet we're stronger and prevailing
Learn from mistakes
Counting souls for sale

This question haunts my mind
Will we survive this night?
We're harboring the meek
Will we survive the sleep?

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