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Love is coming down

The Who

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1978 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Surrounded by people
A real heavy crowd
But inside I still feel lonely now

Should I get away
From the high heels so proud
Is there something different life can show me now

First chance - I blew it, I better start it all again
Second chance - Ooh, I knew it wouldn't be as easy as they said
Third chance - I'm cut up, life's like a razor's edge
Fourth chance - Ooh, I'm all shut up and I'm standing on the ledge

And I'm goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Ooh, down

I'm not a loser
But did I really win?
Can I afford to go through it all again?

I hope I don't sound
As immature as I feel
But when I get wise, I'll give you a call, my friend

First chance - I blew it, I better start it all again
Second chance - Ooh, I knew it wouldn't be as easy as they said
Third chance - I'm cut up, life's like a razor's edge
Fourth chance - I'm all shut up and I'm standing on the ledge

Now I'm goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Ooh, down (down)

Love is coming down on me, ooh yeah
Love is burning, teaching, turning out in me
Love is coming down, down
Down, down
Down, down

I'm not a loser
But did I really win?
I'm lookin' forward to doin' it all again

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Surrounded by people
A real heavy crowd
But inside I still feel lonely now

Should I get away
From the high heels so proud
Is there something different life can show me now

First chance - I blew it, I better start it all again
Second chance - Ooh, I knew it wouldn't be as easy as they said
Third chance - I'm cut up, life's like a razor's edge
Fourth chance - Ooh, I'm all shut up and I'm standing on the ledge

And I'm goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Ooh, down

I'm not a loser
But did I really win?
Can I afford to go through it all again?

I hope I don't sound
As immature as I feel
But when I get wise, I'll give you a call, my friend

First chance - I blew it, I better start it all again
Second chance - Ooh, I knew it wouldn't be as easy as they said
Third chance - I'm cut up, life's like a razor's edge
Fourth chance - I'm all shut up and I'm standing on the ledge

Now I'm goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Goin' down (I'm goin' down)
Ooh, down (down)

Love is coming down on me, ooh yeah
Love is burning, teaching, turning out in me
Love is coming down, down
Down, down
Down, down

I'm not a loser
But did I really win?
I'm lookin' forward to doin' it all again

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