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The World is Yours

Arch Enemy

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2017 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Rise into the light and fade to the night
Sick of being told how to run your life
Their rules, they're fools
Empty words they promise so much
The present status quo remains untouched

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

Every empire was raised by the slain
Built through the ages you can destroy it in a day
Turn the page, unleash your rage
Burn your golden cage and walk away
On your path toward ultimate power

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

Striking at the leash
Foaming at the mouth
No more subservience
Justice will be done

There was only so much
You can take
There was only so much
You can tolerate
When the bough breaks
The empire will fall

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Rise into the light and fade to the night
Sick of being told how to run your life
Their rules, they're fools
Empty words they promise so much
The present status quo remains untouched

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

Every empire was raised by the slain
Built through the ages you can destroy it in a day
Turn the page, unleash your rage
Burn your golden cage and walk away
On your path toward ultimate power

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

Striking at the leash
Foaming at the mouth
No more subservience
Justice will be done

There was only so much
You can take
There was only so much
You can tolerate
When the bough breaks
The empire will fall

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

If you want the world
Use your mind
Take control
Feel the strength
Rise from within
If you really want it, the world is yours

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