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This World Blue


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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2014 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

This blue world and her countless sisters
And all that came before that day
Our atoms straining to align
Was the universe in rehearsal for us
When all the world is sucking on its sleeve
You'll hear an urgent morse in the gentle rain
And if you plot your course on the windowpane
You'll see the coldest star in the arms of the oldest tree
And you'll know to come to me
In the back of a broken car
When the blizzard blossom flew
Reading aloud with our fingers
What we both already knew
And the blizzard blossom flew
And the blizzard blossom flew
When all the world is sucking on its sleeve
You'll hear an urgent morse in the gentle rain
And if you plot your course on the windowpane
You'll see the coldest star in the arms of the oldest tree
And you'll know to come to me
A sober midnight wish flies over the roofs and down through the years
Hope that you and yours are sleeping
Safe and warm in size formation
While three chambers of my heart beat true and strong with love for another
The fourth, the fourth is yours forever

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

This blue world and her countless sisters
And all that came before that day
Our atoms straining to align
Was the universe in rehearsal for us
When all the world is sucking on its sleeve
You'll hear an urgent morse in the gentle rain
And if you plot your course on the windowpane
You'll see the coldest star in the arms of the oldest tree
And you'll know to come to me
In the back of a broken car
When the blizzard blossom flew
Reading aloud with our fingers
What we both already knew
And the blizzard blossom flew
And the blizzard blossom flew
When all the world is sucking on its sleeve
You'll hear an urgent morse in the gentle rain
And if you plot your course on the windowpane
You'll see the coldest star in the arms of the oldest tree
And you'll know to come to me
A sober midnight wish flies over the roofs and down through the years
Hope that you and yours are sleeping
Safe and warm in size formation
While three chambers of my heart beat true and strong with love for another
The fourth, the fourth is yours forever

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