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Unbound (The Wild Ride) (su Zander Ayeroff ir Annmarie Rizzo)

Avenged Sevenfold

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2007 m.

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Unbound (The Wild Ride)

Somewhere life is good, and things go as they should
it's hard to find, but that's alright yeah
Searching for the way, push harder everyday
It's deep inside, that shining light yeah
But I'm scarred, by barriers placed in my path
I'm scathed

This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound

Sometimes when we're young, and always on the run
It gets so dark and I know that place yeah
So don't be too concerned, you've got a lot to learn
Well so do I and we've got plenty of time yeah
Don't fall off the track yet with so many races to go
Hold on

This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound

Some live so wrong, with what we do is each his own
But living in fear, endless shame for countless years
I never lived in fear I knew I'd die another day
I never viewed my life as something... slipping away

Some live so wrong, with what we do is each his own
But living in fear, endless shame for countless years
I never lived in fear I knew I'd die another day
I never viewed my life as something... slipping away

There's nothing here to take for granted
with each breath that we take
the hands of time strip youth from our bodies,
we fade,
memories remain,
as time goes on

There's nothing here to take for granted
with each breath that we take
the hands of time strip youth from our bodies,
we fade,
memories remain,
as time goes on

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Unbound (The Wild Ride)

Somewhere life is good, and things go as they should
it's hard to find, but that's alright yeah
Searching for the way, push harder everyday
It's deep inside, that shining light yeah
But I'm scarred, by barriers placed in my path
I'm scathed

This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound

Sometimes when we're young, and always on the run
It gets so dark and I know that place yeah
So don't be too concerned, you've got a lot to learn
Well so do I and we've got plenty of time yeah
Don't fall off the track yet with so many races to go
Hold on

This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound

Some live so wrong, with what we do is each his own
But living in fear, endless shame for countless years
I never lived in fear I knew I'd die another day
I never viewed my life as something... slipping away

Some live so wrong, with what we do is each his own
But living in fear, endless shame for countless years
I never lived in fear I knew I'd die another day
I never viewed my life as something... slipping away

There's nothing here to take for granted
with each breath that we take
the hands of time strip youth from our bodies,
we fade,
memories remain,
as time goes on

There's nothing here to take for granted
with each breath that we take
the hands of time strip youth from our bodies,
we fade,
memories remain,
as time goes on

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