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Unwritten Sacrifice


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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2014 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Beautiful sky, innocent dreams
Pictures once kissed now dead
Letters from home, no greater love
Discarded books unread

No bird will sing, nothing will grow
Bring on the faithless night
Crimson the blood, on skin, oh, so white
Unwritten sacrifice

A fiery storm will bring desolation
Too much left unsaid
While the moon lights up devastation
All of us misled
Sacred heart burns bright

You hear the people sing hallelujah
Every name a cross
While the actors still try to fool you
Pacify the rot
Shake like the first night

Morning comes round, and life disappears
Quietly now he sleeps
Sand in his eyes, still open wide
Buried his secret keeps

Details are lost, how did he die?
No one can recollect
What was his name? Who were his friends?
Give him his self-respect

A fiery storm will bring desolation
Too much left unsaid
While the moon lights up devastation
All of us misled
Sacred heart burns bright

You hear the people sing hallelujah
Every name a cross
While the actors still try to fool you
Pacify the rot
Shake like the first night

There's a ghost, walks by your side
And for you no turning back
Murderous dance, nowhere to hide
Silent drummer in jet black

A fiery storm will bring desolation
Too much left unsaid
While the moon lights up devastation
All of us misled
Sacred heart burns bright

You hear the people sing hallelujah
Every name a cross
While the actors still try to fool you
Pacify the rot
Shake like the first night

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Beautiful sky, innocent dreams
Pictures once kissed now dead
Letters from home, no greater love
Discarded books unread

No bird will sing, nothing will grow
Bring on the faithless night
Crimson the blood, on skin, oh, so white
Unwritten sacrifice

A fiery storm will bring desolation
Too much left unsaid
While the moon lights up devastation
All of us misled
Sacred heart burns bright

You hear the people sing hallelujah
Every name a cross
While the actors still try to fool you
Pacify the rot
Shake like the first night

Morning comes round, and life disappears
Quietly now he sleeps
Sand in his eyes, still open wide
Buried his secret keeps

Details are lost, how did he die?
No one can recollect
What was his name? Who were his friends?
Give him his self-respect

A fiery storm will bring desolation
Too much left unsaid
While the moon lights up devastation
All of us misled
Sacred heart burns bright

You hear the people sing hallelujah
Every name a cross
While the actors still try to fool you
Pacify the rot
Shake like the first night

There's a ghost, walks by your side
And for you no turning back
Murderous dance, nowhere to hide
Silent drummer in jet black

A fiery storm will bring desolation
Too much left unsaid
While the moon lights up devastation
All of us misled
Sacred heart burns bright

You hear the people sing hallelujah
Every name a cross
While the actors still try to fool you
Pacify the rot
Shake like the first night

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