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Kissing the Beast


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1992 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Fixtures immensely beholding the force holy benevolence deadly remorse
Tearing the lining and saving the flow dropping the heartrate enclosing the soul
Lest we remember the deadly command hour upon us and close at hand
Now in our coldness our heart has begun needing the heat from the earth and the sun
Cold as ice trapped in the earth cold as ice needing the sun
Kissing the beast as he lies underneath scratching your heart with soulful belief
Awaiting the call to enrapture your life holding you still as he's holding the knife
Nine bladed sword as the whore can recall dissecting the innocent under the fall
Cracking the surface the air is still fresh only below us the mad stench of death
Kissing the beast as he lies underneath scratching your heart with soulful belief
Awaiting the call to enrapture your life holding you still as he's holding the knife
Lest we remember the deadly command hour upon us and close at hand
Now in our coldness our heart has begun needing the heat from the earth and the sun
Cold as ice trapped in the earth cold as ice needing the sun
Fixtures immensely beholding the force holy benevolence deadly remorse
Tearing the lining and saving the flow dropping the heartrate enclosing the soul
Nine bladed sword as the whore can recall dissecting the innocence under the fall
Cracking the surface the air is still fresh only below us the mad stench of death
A prince or a pauper or lunatic king son of a daughter shrouded in sin
His kingdom in madnness and sadness and shame
The song is still young and illusion's the game

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Fixtures immensely beholding the force holy benevolence deadly remorse
Tearing the lining and saving the flow dropping the heartrate enclosing the soul
Lest we remember the deadly command hour upon us and close at hand
Now in our coldness our heart has begun needing the heat from the earth and the sun
Cold as ice trapped in the earth cold as ice needing the sun
Kissing the beast as he lies underneath scratching your heart with soulful belief
Awaiting the call to enrapture your life holding you still as he's holding the knife
Nine bladed sword as the whore can recall dissecting the innocent under the fall
Cracking the surface the air is still fresh only below us the mad stench of death
Kissing the beast as he lies underneath scratching your heart with soulful belief
Awaiting the call to enrapture your life holding you still as he's holding the knife
Lest we remember the deadly command hour upon us and close at hand
Now in our coldness our heart has begun needing the heat from the earth and the sun
Cold as ice trapped in the earth cold as ice needing the sun
Fixtures immensely beholding the force holy benevolence deadly remorse
Tearing the lining and saving the flow dropping the heartrate enclosing the soul
Nine bladed sword as the whore can recall dissecting the innocence under the fall
Cracking the surface the air is still fresh only below us the mad stench of death
A prince or a pauper or lunatic king son of a daughter shrouded in sin
His kingdom in madnness and sadness and shame
The song is still young and illusion's the game

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