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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1999 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Motionless, unconscious, hopeless
waiting for a sign
Awesome, Frightened, respectful
Devoted to life

Ruchless, without ambition, aimless
Followed the wrong path
Egoistic, brutal, honest
Finished with the past

For you and forever - For you and forever

Waiting for a sign - to take your life
waiting for a sign - looking for the source
waiting for a sign - like tears in your hand
waiting for a sign - for the rest of your life
For the rest of your time
For you and forever - For you and forever

Painless, unattractive, faceless
Looking towards the future
Longing, sensitive, dignified
Escaped the unknown
Miserable, restless, indecent
Eyes set on goal
Cruel loathsome, repulsive
waiting for the end
A game of life - the game of life
A game with your life - the game
A game of life - the game of life
A game with your life - the game of life

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Motionless, unconscious, hopeless
waiting for a sign
Awesome, Frightened, respectful
Devoted to life

Ruchless, without ambition, aimless
Followed the wrong path
Egoistic, brutal, honest
Finished with the past

For you and forever - For you and forever

Waiting for a sign - to take your life
waiting for a sign - looking for the source
waiting for a sign - like tears in your hand
waiting for a sign - for the rest of your life
For the rest of your time
For you and forever - For you and forever

Painless, unattractive, faceless
Looking towards the future
Longing, sensitive, dignified
Escaped the unknown
Miserable, restless, indecent
Eyes set on goal
Cruel loathsome, repulsive
waiting for the end
A game of life - the game of life
A game with your life - the game
A game of life - the game of life
A game with your life - the game of life

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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