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Big Big Train

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

Apple tree, old apple tree
Bountiful we raise a glass to thee
We sing our song
Stand fast, stand strong
Bough and leaf bear fruit aplenty

In Eden gone, when the world was young
Paradise was where it all began
Just one bite was all it took
Expulsion and the fall of man

Apple tree, we bless your crown
Yield much fruit or fell ye down
Raise your roots
Hear me, tree!
Bough and leaf bear fruit aplenty

Wassail - bring new life
Wassail - be alive
Wassail - blessed be


Wassail King, hear us sing
Through the orchards
And the village green
We sing our song
Stand fast, stand strong
Bough and leaf bear fruit aplenty

Wassail Queen - Oh my, oh my
She is beauty personified
Raise her up to the bough of the tree
Blessed be


Return to the womb
Deep down in the earth
Wait for the spring rebirth
The clayen cup
We douse the roots
With cider kept from last year's fruits
Cut in twain
A five pointed star
A sign of who we are
Let spirits fly
The apple of my eye


Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Apple tree, old apple tree
Bountiful we raise a glass to thee
We sing our song
Stand fast, stand strong
Bough and leaf bear fruit aplenty

In Eden gone, when the world was young
Paradise was where it all began
Just one bite was all it took
Expulsion and the fall of man

Apple tree, we bless your crown
Yield much fruit or fell ye down
Raise your roots
Hear me, tree!
Bough and leaf bear fruit aplenty

Wassail - bring new life
Wassail - be alive
Wassail - blessed be


Wassail King, hear us sing
Through the orchards
And the village green
We sing our song
Stand fast, stand strong
Bough and leaf bear fruit aplenty

Wassail Queen - Oh my, oh my
She is beauty personified
Raise her up to the bough of the tree
Blessed be


Return to the womb
Deep down in the earth
Wait for the spring rebirth
The clayen cup
We douse the roots
With cider kept from last year's fruits
Cut in twain
A five pointed star
A sign of who we are
Let spirits fly
The apple of my eye


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