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What Comes Around

Beastie Boys

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Hip-hop'o muzika
Data: 1989 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

(Beastie Boys/Dust Bros.)
Overripe fresh skeezed California females
With 3-inch cherry red press-on Lee nails
Reach into my mind for the rhymes I'm seeking
Like a garbage bag full overflowing please now it's leaking
Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair
So I can climb up and get into your underwear
Rat soup eating test cheating no business punk
You're insecure born in the junkyard with the junk
You've gone wet look crazy and messed with your head
You fucked around and wound up with the bald skin head
You're all mixed up like pasta primavera
Yo why'd you throw that chair at Geraldo Rivera man...
Cause one man's ceilin' is another man's floor
Yo get that money out of your ass you whore
Well I brought her upstairs onto the roof
I dogged your wife and she is a doofus

So What goes around Comes around
And what goes around comes around
What goes around Comes around
And what comes around goes around
Goes around..
Chosen bound Fully down
Feelin' down Huh
Yo holmes your nose is brown

Clean B cleaning the G spot you know that we've got
The Dolemite's house and you have not
Look out my window look over the city
With two black eyes your girl ain't that pretty
Why you wanna' beat that brat with a bat
Why you wanna' treat your girl like that
Living in the rat race smoking rat weed
Well you reap what you sow when you plant the seed
Bum cheese on rye with ham and prosciutto
Got more Louie than Phillip Rizzuto

What goes around Comes around
And what goes around comes around
What goes around Comes around
And what comes around goes around
What goes around Comes around
And what goes around Inevibility
Comes around What
And what goes around comes around
What goes around You know it Comes around
What check it check it
Check it What, what what what...
Funky damn A funky pam pam pam pam...
Bam bam bam...
F.D. in the house ya'll
Funky, funky funky funky f-funky..
Bam bam bam bam..
Funky funky, F.D. funky funky...
Fuck it...
Agh everybody, funky pam...
Bam bam bam slam, Alabama
And kick it, Al-a fuckin' bama
I slam a saki hammer
And chillin'
Like pennicilian
Like panasaursas
Doris the fink-a saursas
Haa hee haa haa haa...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

(Beastie Boys/Dust Bros.)
Overripe fresh skeezed California females
With 3-inch cherry red press-on Lee nails
Reach into my mind for the rhymes I'm seeking
Like a garbage bag full overflowing please now it's leaking
Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair
So I can climb up and get into your underwear
Rat soup eating test cheating no business punk
You're insecure born in the junkyard with the junk
You've gone wet look crazy and messed with your head
You fucked around and wound up with the bald skin head
You're all mixed up like pasta primavera
Yo why'd you throw that chair at Geraldo Rivera man...
Cause one man's ceilin' is another man's floor
Yo get that money out of your ass you whore
Well I brought her upstairs onto the roof
I dogged your wife and she is a doofus

So What goes around Comes around
And what goes around comes around
What goes around Comes around
And what comes around goes around
Goes around..
Chosen bound Fully down
Feelin' down Huh
Yo holmes your nose is brown

Clean B cleaning the G spot you know that we've got
The Dolemite's house and you have not
Look out my window look over the city
With two black eyes your girl ain't that pretty
Why you wanna' beat that brat with a bat
Why you wanna' treat your girl like that
Living in the rat race smoking rat weed
Well you reap what you sow when you plant the seed
Bum cheese on rye with ham and prosciutto
Got more Louie than Phillip Rizzuto

What goes around Comes around
And what goes around comes around
What goes around Comes around
And what comes around goes around
What goes around Comes around
And what goes around Inevibility
Comes around What
And what goes around comes around
What goes around You know it Comes around
What check it check it
Check it What, what what what...
Funky damn A funky pam pam pam pam...
Bam bam bam...
F.D. in the house ya'll
Funky, funky funky funky f-funky..
Bam bam bam bam..
Funky funky, F.D. funky funky...
Fuck it...
Agh everybody, funky pam...
Bam bam bam slam, Alabama
And kick it, Al-a fuckin' bama
I slam a saki hammer
And chillin'
Like pennicilian
Like panasaursas
Doris the fink-a saursas
Haa hee haa haa haa...

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (2)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2012 m. kovo 13 d. 11:36:22
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

*dar ir... Alice Cooper - It's Hot Tonight

„Bendrauti su žmonėmis yra bene didžiausia problema, su kuria jūs susiduriate”. Deilas Karnegis
2012 m. kovo 12 d. 16:34:12
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Panaudota daina: Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick

„Bendrauti su žmonėmis yra bene didžiausia problema, su kuria jūs susiduriate”. Deilas Karnegis
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

Copyright 2001-2024 Visos teisės saugomos. Kopijuoti be autorių sutikimo draudžiama.

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