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Wretched Face of Evil

Aura Noir

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika

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Wretched Face Of Evil

Coiled embalmed
wretched face of evil
Lies sinned and furied, in spite of it's glory
All matters sewn into one prophet
I nail this one seed, and crawl back through it's onset
Winged lashes - vast essence
Dead skin holds the poet
A simple red mask keeps the rain from the sunset
A triangular wave left me covered with lies
Essential for it's beauty as the shepherd dies
All - fallen enslaved
All - vanished awoken
It's eyes may seem dreamy but soon lies a token
That buries three hearts, six feathers
- One oaken
To crack self-made concepts
To hold one great feast
A soak-wet cold fairy gave birth to the beast
My sins turns to flowers as the rain turns to dust
Please shower my mind in your ghostlike lust's a fistful must...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Wretched Face Of Evil

Coiled embalmed
wretched face of evil
Lies sinned and furied, in spite of it's glory
All matters sewn into one prophet
I nail this one seed, and crawl back through it's onset
Winged lashes - vast essence
Dead skin holds the poet
A simple red mask keeps the rain from the sunset
A triangular wave left me covered with lies
Essential for it's beauty as the shepherd dies
All - fallen enslaved
All - vanished awoken
It's eyes may seem dreamy but soon lies a token
That buries three hearts, six feathers
- One oaken
To crack self-made concepts
To hold one great feast
A soak-wet cold fairy gave birth to the beast
My sins turns to flowers as the rain turns to dust
Please shower my mind in your ghostlike lust's a fistful must...

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