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Young Souls


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1989 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Young Souls

His old hand is searching slowly
The wrinkled face is filled with pleasure
Worn-out fingers take a record
Out of the cover of the past

Then he looked up to heaven
His eyes are shining and smiling clearly
With this old music he remembers
He feels his youth - without fear
The whole street hears the music
And everybody knows

Young souls rocking again
With rock 'n' roll the speakers burning
Young souls rocking again
The amplifier is glowing hot

His feet are stepping with the rhythm
His hands are clapping till they burn
Where is the old age? How could this be?
In his mind he's young and free

The whole street hears the music
And everybody knows

Young souls rocking again
With rock 'n' roll the speakers burning
Young souls rocking again
The amplifier is glowing hot

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Young Souls

His old hand is searching slowly
The wrinkled face is filled with pleasure
Worn-out fingers take a record
Out of the cover of the past

Then he looked up to heaven
His eyes are shining and smiling clearly
With this old music he remembers
He feels his youth - without fear
The whole street hears the music
And everybody knows

Young souls rocking again
With rock 'n' roll the speakers burning
Young souls rocking again
The amplifier is glowing hot

His feet are stepping with the rhythm
His hands are clapping till they burn
Where is the old age? How could this be?
In his mind he's young and free

The whole street hears the music
And everybody knows

Young souls rocking again
With rock 'n' roll the speakers burning
Young souls rocking again
The amplifier is glowing hot

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