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You've Got Another Thing Comin'

Judas Priest

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1982 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

One life I'm gonna live it up
I'm takin' flight I said i'll never get enough
Stand tall I'm young and kinda proud
I'm on top as long as the music's loud

If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by
You're thinkin' like a fool cause it's a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
You think I'll let it go you're mad
You've got another thing comin'

That's right here's where the talkin' ends
Well listen this night there'll be some action spent
Drive hard I'm callin' all the shots
I got an ace card comin' down on the rocks

If you think I'll sit around while you chip away my brain
Listen I ain't foolin' and you'd better think again
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
You think I'll let it go you're mad
You got another thing comin

In this world we're livin' in we have our share of sorrow
Answer now is don't give in aim for a new tomorrow

Oh so hot no time to take a rest yeah
Act tough ain't room for second best
Real strong got me some security
Hey I'm a big smash I'm goin' for infinity yeah

If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by
You're thinkin' like a fool cause it's a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
You think I'll let it go you're mad
You've got another thing comin'

 2011-11-21  Alvydas1 - Judas Priest - Anaiptol, Visai Kitko Tikėkis (You've Got Another Thing Comin')

Susiję įrašai:
 2011-12-15  einaras13

7, 8, 9, 10

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

One life I'm gonna live it up
I'm takin' flight I said i'll never get enough
Stand tall I'm young and kinda proud
I'm on top as long as the music's loud

If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by
You're thinkin' like a fool cause it's a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
You think I'll let it go you're mad
You've got another thing comin'

That's right here's where the talkin' ends
Well listen this night there'll be some action spent
Drive hard I'm callin' all the shots
I got an ace card comin' down on the rocks

If you think I'll sit around while you chip away my brain
Listen I ain't foolin' and you'd better think again
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
You think I'll let it go you're mad
You got another thing comin

In this world we're livin' in we have our share of sorrow
Answer now is don't give in aim for a new tomorrow

Oh so hot no time to take a rest yeah
Act tough ain't room for second best
Real strong got me some security
Hey I'm a big smash I'm goin' for infinity yeah

If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by
You're thinkin' like a fool cause it's a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
You think I'll let it go you're mad
You've got another thing comin'

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Komentarai (8)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2012 m. sausio 20 d. 16:59:37
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
labai jau gerai susiklauso

2011 m. gruodžio 14 d. 22:01:08
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Nuo seno žinoma daina, puiki, geriausia Judas Priest

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
2011 m. vasario 3 d. 15:09:41
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
puikiai varo!Kazkada ju vinila issikeiciau i Queen....dabar gal taip nedaryciau....

2011 m. vasario 3 d. 15:08:20
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Jūsų komentaras...

2010 m. gruodžio 23 d. 17:33:14
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
visai neblogi jie šiaip...

2010 m. balandžio 13 d. 16:16:59
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Pirmoji daina kuria isgirdau is ju manau paskui atrasiu daugiau ju dainu kurios man be galo patiks

2009 m. lapkričio 14 d. 01:14:18
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
tikrai viena geriausiu ju dainu pagarba halfordui

Didelę gyvenimo dalį praleidžiame darydami klaidas, didelę - nieko nedarydami, o visą gyvenimą - darydami ne tai, ką reikia. -Seneka-
2009 m. spalio 30 d. 21:51:01
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
mano manymu geriausia Judas Priest daina

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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