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The Cardinal and I


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2012 m.

Lyrics by 10-5-62 and Brett Kull

I saw a cardinal and wanted it to change my life,
but it's just a bird.
We share the lines of infinite direction,
but chose cannon into wall.

Fluorescent skies of palest skin.
I survive by stealing time from pipedreams hidden deep behind my eyes.
It's a curse that we share as we drone on.
We are fruitless, drained of life.

I know that if I had the cardinal's wing,
a light would shine on everything and we'd be golden.
The cardinal and I are the same and we're running out of days.
Flightless, born into a dying tree.

I always hitch my name to the wrong star.
But I prefer stars once they've fallen.

I should be spinning planets on my fingertips.
He should be miles high.
I could be God, He'd be my heart and we'd be rid of all of this.
Unforgiving, hopelessly we drift.

Dissolve like daylight.

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Esamas tekstas

Lyrics by 10-5-62 and Brett Kull

I saw a cardinal and wanted it to change my life,
but it's just a bird.
We share the lines of infinite direction,
but chose cannon into wall.

Fluorescent skies of palest skin.
I survive by stealing time from pipedreams hidden deep behind my eyes.
It's a curse that we share as we drone on.
We are fruitless, drained of life.

I know that if I had the cardinal's wing,
a light would shine on everything and we'd be golden.
The cardinal and I are the same and we're running out of days.
Flightless, born into a dying tree.

I always hitch my name to the wrong star.
But I prefer stars once they've fallen.

I should be spinning planets on my fingertips.
He should be miles high.
I could be God, He'd be my heart and we'd be rid of all of this.
Unforgiving, hopelessly we drift.

Dissolve like daylight.

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