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Second Riot


Veiklos pradžia: 2010
Valstybė: Lietuva
Pagrindinis stilius: Roko muzika
Oficiali svetainė

Parinkite labiausiai būdingus stilius:

Mėgstamas stilius Alternative rock

Pridėti prie mėgstamiausių Pop punk



Second Riot was born from the ashes of various other bands, but the beginning was when two classmates Juozas and Deividas decided to form a band. At this point they only needed someone who could play bass. It took some time to find proper bassist who could actually play it, but it appeared that such bassist was nearby all the time ! Yes, thats right, It was Juozas' brother Justas, who took the spot. Now where was I.... Oh right, after playing in Juozas kitchen for a few months they've decided that they needed someone to do vocals and started looking for it.....After testing few girls they decided that girl named Greta fits the role perfectly and was asked to join the band to show the world that girls can rock hard as well ! Now the band only needed someone who could add some more flavor and melody to their songs and they were pretty lucky to find awesome guitarist Paulius, who gladly joined their family.Years have been awesome for those 5 fellas, but sadly, at the end of 2011 summer, Greta decided to leave the band. The main reason for this was as Greta said herself " I feel like i'm losing my interest in music and I have other activities I'd like to attend to" . They waved goodbye to her, wished her luck and decided to go on. After trying more than 20 new vocalists, the only girl that passed the trial was Neringa. They were stunned by her voice and all agreed that they're back on track.

Neringa Banytė - Vocals
Deividas Taškūnas - Drums / Backing vocals
Juozas Polikevičius - Guitar
Paulius Kaščic - Guitar
Justas Polikevičius - Bass
Esamas tekstas

Second Riot was born from the ashes of various other bands, but the beginning was when two classmates Juozas and Deividas decided to form a band. At this point they only needed someone who could play bass. It took some time to find proper bassist who could actually play it, but it appeared that such bassist was nearby all the time ! Yes, thats right, It was Juozas' brother Justas, who took the spot. Now where was I.... Oh right, after playing in Juozas kitchen for a few months they've decided that they needed someone to do vocals and started looking for it.....After testing few girls they decided that girl named Greta fits the role perfectly and was asked to join the band to show the world that girls can rock hard as well ! Now the band only needed someone who could add some more flavor and melody to their songs and they were pretty lucky to find awesome guitarist Paulius, who gladly joined their family.Years have been awesome for those 5 fellas, but sadly, at the end of 2011 summer, Greta decided to leave the band. The main reason for this was as Greta said herself " I feel like i'm losing my interest in music and I have other activities I'd like to attend to" . They waved goodbye to her, wished her luck and decided to go on. After trying more than 20 new vocalists, the only girl that passed the trial was Neringa. They were stunned by her voice and all agreed that they're back on track.Neringa Banytė - VocalsDeividas Taškūnas - Drums / Backing vocalsJuozas Polikevičius - GuitarPaulius Kaščic - GuitarJustas Polikevičius - Bass

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