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Vartotojas: Silentist
Sukurta: 2019-11-27 19:09:02


# Albumas
1 Elvis Costello  Elvis Costello
 My Aim Is True
2 Pink Floyd  Pink Floyd
 Dark Side Of The Moon
Brain Damage
3 Modest Mouse  Modest Mouse
 Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Bury Me With It
4 Creedence Clearwater Revival  Creedence Clearwater Revival
 Willy and the Poor Boys
Down on the corner
5 The Cure  The Cure
 The Head on the Door
Close to me
6 Depeche Mode  Depeche Mode
 Construction Time Again
7 Depeche Mode  Depeche Mode
 Playing the Angel
The Darkest Star
8 Depeche Mode  Depeche Mode
 Some Great Reward
Lie to me
9 Dire Straits  Dire Straits
 Making Movies
10 Dream Theater  Dream Theater
 Images and Words
Wait for sleep
11 Emerson, Lake & Palmer (ELP)  Emerson, Lake & Palmer (ELP)
 Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends... Ladies and Gentlemen, Emerson, Lake & Palmer 3LP
Karn evil 9
12 Bryan Ferry  Bryan Ferry
 The Bride Stripped Bare
Sign of the times
13 Fleetwood Mac  Fleetwood Mac
 Mystery to Me
Emerald eyes
14 Steely Dan  Steely Dan
 Katy Lied
Dr. Wu
15 Genesis  Genesis
 Selling England by the Pound
Dancing with the moonlit knight
16 Interpol  Interpol
 Turn on the Bright Lights
17 Billy Joel  Billy Joel
 Cold Spring Harbor
Everybody Loves you now
18 Jethro Tull  Jethro Tull
Dun Ringill
19 The Killers  The Killers
 Day & Age
The world we live in
20 Lykke Li  Lykke Li
 Wounded Rhymes
Sadness is a blessing
21 Bob Marley  Bob Marley
 Catch a Fire
Slave Driver
22 Metallica  Metallica
 Death Magnetic
My apocalypse
23 The Moody Blues  The Moody Blues
 On the Threshold of a Dream
The Dream
24 Alanis Morissette  Alanis Morissette
 Jagged Little Pill
You learn
25 Muse  Muse
 Black Holes and Revelations
26 Nirvana  Nirvana
Smells like teen spirit
27 Pink Floyd  Pink Floyd
 A Momentary Lapse Of Reason
One slip
28 Pink Floyd  Pink Floyd
 Division Bell
High hopes
29 Pixies  Pixies
Mr Grieves
30 Public Enemy  Public Enemy
 It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Party for your right to fight
31 Roxy Music  Roxy Music
Street life
32 Rush  Rush
 Hold Your Fire
33 Sade  Sade
 Diamond Life
Smooth operator
34 Scorpions  Scorpions
 Face The Heat
Alien nation
35 Scorpions  Scorpions
 Love At First Sting
Rock you like a hurricane
36 The Sisters of Mercy  The Sisters of Mercy
This corrosion
37 Simon & Garfunkel  Simon & Garfunkel
 Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
Scarborough fair
38 Slayer  Slayer
 Christ Illusion
39 Slayer  Slayer
 God Hates Us All
40 Patti Smith  Patti Smith
41 Sparks  Sparks
 Kimono My House
Hasta Manana Monsieur
42 Britney Spears  Britney Spears
 In The Zone
Me against the music
43 Sonic Youth  Sonic Youth
 Daydream Nation
44 Sting  Sting
 Nothing Like The Sun
Sister moon
45 Sting  Sting
 Mercury Falling
Lithium sunset
46 U2  U2
 Under a Blood Red Sky
New Years day
47 U2  U2
 All That You Can't Leave Behind
Walk on
48 Wilco  Wilco
 Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Poor places
49 Frank Zappa  Frank Zappa
 Hot Rats
Willie the pimp
50 Porcupine Tree  Porcupine Tree
 Stupid Dream
Piano lessons

Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2024 m. gruodžio 9 d. 18:46:53
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yra žmonės kurie dėl vienatvės nesiskundžia, nes neturi kam.
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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Šiuo metu vertiname

Lemon Joy Lemon Joy

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Artimiausi įvykiai

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Pokalbių dėžutė

03:31 - DjVaids
Gal galite įkelt rnb grupę Joe Public
02:43 - DjVaids
Samantha Jade gim. 1987 balandžio 18 d.
02:42 - DjVaids
Samantha Jade Gibbs gim. 1987 balandžio 18 d.
15:31 - Silentist
I felt the cold, I knew the salt
Of freedom and of living
and started to ignore the pain,
the hunger and the insult.
15:20 - PLIKASS
Na, SILENTIST'as praktiškai kone kiekvienu atveju šičia TURI + PROPAGUOJA tą savo "burbuliuojančią" ganėtinai skirtingą nuomonę ... :-D

Atrodo yra smarkiai atsparus bet kokio formato aplinkai šis mūsų kolega ... ;-)
14:45 - Silentist
Aciu edzkaa uz spotify kiekvienos dainos vietoje. Alvydas1 uz lyrics videos + the nice. einaras13 uz kritika ir savikritika
19:46 - einaras13
Aš tiesiog būčiau The Nice įkėlęs tuo momentu, kai Silentist mažiausiai tikisi, nes dabar susidaro įspūdis, kad nuolatiniu burbuliavimu galima pasiekt naudingų dalykų. Taip, Silentist manyje net tokio lygio pagiežą išaugino pastaruoju metu.
19:46 - einaras13
Dėkui, Alvydai!
15:00 - WeeT
Atsinaujino TOP 40!
15:00 - WeeT
Atsinaujino LT TOP 30!


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