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A Little Bit of Love


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2022 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Take a look at where you started from
And where you are today
You climbed mountains, swam oceans
You got knocked down and kept going
In the end, you know you've got to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
All your wounds are healing fine
I'm so glad I've got you in my life
Now the winter frost is gone
Now is our chance to live the life we want
A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Everybody, everybody's lost
And that's okay
Some show it, some hide it
But there's a battle we're all fighting
So if you're looking for the words to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
Holding on to the rabbit's feet
Walking down the sunny side of the street
Shadows creeping at your back
You can forget 'em like an amnesiac
A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Love is really like a wonder drug
Let's medicate
Say goodbye to the drama
It's a beeline to nirvana
If you're looking for the words to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
Hey, ho, hey-ho
Hey, ho, hey-ho
A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Take a look at where you started from
And where you are today
You climbed mountains, swam oceans
You got knocked down and kept going
In the end, you know you've got to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
Hey, ho, hey-ho
Hey, ho
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 40
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Take a look at where you started from
And where you are today
You climbed mountains, swam oceans
You got knocked down and kept going
In the end, you know you've got to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
All your wounds are healing fine
I'm so glad I've got you in my life
Now the winter frost is gone
Now is our chance to live the life we want
A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Everybody, everybody's lost
And that's okay
Some show it, some hide it
But there's a battle we're all fighting
So if you're looking for the words to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
Holding on to the rabbit's feet
Walking down the sunny side of the street
Shadows creeping at your back
You can forget 'em like an amnesiac
A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Love is really like a wonder drug
Let's medicate
Say goodbye to the drama
It's a beeline to nirvana
If you're looking for the words to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
Hey, ho, hey-ho
Hey, ho, hey-ho
A little bit, a little bit of love
Goes a pretty long way
Take a look at where you started from
And where you are today
You climbed mountains, swam oceans
You got knocked down and kept going
In the end, you know you've got to say
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way
Hey, ho, hey-ho
Hey, ho
A little bit of love goes a pretty long way

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