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Welcome to the World


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1980 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

"Welcome To The World"

You're through gestation so welcome to the world
We've still got vacancies just waiting to be filled
We're still delivering ten thousand souls a day
And disproportionately packing them away

The starving of the multitudes and the feeding of the few
We're only humanoid there's nothing we can do
You must do something or we'll all go up in smoke
We'd like to help but we're afraid of losing votes

They never listen to you
They never listen to your cries
We're not progressing we're only marking time
You're on your own

Think of your children
Think of your children
Are they welcome to the world?

If every Chinaman jumped up and down in sync
Then California would be sucked into the drink
You've all got bodies and a few of you got minds
We'd like to juse them but we never get the time

Though man's achievements are a credit to us all
How come we're stading with our backs against the wall?
One thousand congressmen assemble every day
They'll send us packing on a dreadlock holiday

They'll never listen to you
They'll never listen to your cries
They'll keep on talking and wasting precious time
You're on your own

Think of your children
Think of your children
Look to your children
They're only children
Are they welcome to the world?

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

"Welcome To The World"

You're through gestation so welcome to the world
We've still got vacancies just waiting to be filled
We're still delivering ten thousand souls a day
And disproportionately packing them away

The starving of the multitudes and the feeding of the few
We're only humanoid there's nothing we can do
You must do something or we'll all go up in smoke
We'd like to help but we're afraid of losing votes

They never listen to you
They never listen to your cries
We're not progressing we're only marking time
You're on your own

Think of your children
Think of your children
Are they welcome to the world?

If every Chinaman jumped up and down in sync
Then California would be sucked into the drink
You've all got bodies and a few of you got minds
We'd like to juse them but we never get the time

Though man's achievements are a credit to us all
How come we're stading with our backs against the wall?
One thousand congressmen assemble every day
They'll send us packing on a dreadlock holiday

They'll never listen to you
They'll never listen to your cries
They'll keep on talking and wasting precious time
You're on your own

Think of your children
Think of your children
Look to your children
They're only children
Are they welcome to the world?

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2024 m. gegužės 27 d. 19:49:13 2024-05-27 19:49:49
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Visada galvoje turėjau šiokių tokių paralelių tarp 10cc ir Gentle Giant (vien dėl jų upbeat kompozicijų), bet čia yra ryškiausia Gentle Giant stiliaus manifestacija 10cc muzikoje. Ritminis vingrumas ir aštrus klavišinių garsas tikrai pridėjo prog'iškos natūros šitam numeriui ir jis skamba kaip trauktas iš Giant'ų The Missing Piece albumo. Man tai labai patinka, 10 balų. Look Hear? albumas turi dvi sprogstamai fantastiškas pirmąsias dainas.  

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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