Have you ever noticed,
That I’m not acting as I used to do before?
Have you ever wondered,
Why I always keep on coming back for more?
What have you done to me,
I’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
I’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
I’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy (oh yeah)
You really are my ecstasy
My real life fantasy (oh yeah)
Not that I’m complaining,
A more beautiful vision - I have never seen
If you don’t mind me saying,
A lifelong ambition to fulfill my dream
What have you done to me,
I’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
I’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
I’ll never be the same I'll tell you for sure
You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy (oh yeah
You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy (oh yeah)
You really are my ecstasy
(There can be no other While we still have each other)
My real life fantasy (There can be no other
While we still have each other)
You really are my ecstasy,
(I'll never be the same,
I'll tell you for sure)
(There can be no other
While we still have each other)
My real life fantasy, oh yeah
(I'll never be the same,
I'll tell you for sure)
2010 m. vasario 9 d. 10:41:17
One World, One Sky, We Live, We Die
2010 m. sausio 3 d. 23:35:03
Neįmanoma atrasti naujų vandenynų, jei bijosite iš akių pamesti krantą...
2009 m. balandžio 25 d. 21:19:46
2008 m. rugsėjo 20 d. 21:18:10
Under The Iron Sea
2005 m. rugpjūčio 20 d. 18:41:09
uzleiskit ja per mano laidotuves???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Me I`m the one you chose out of all the people you wanted me the most..." (no doubt)
2005 m. kovo 2 d. 20:33:10
Meile stato,bet neapykanta griauna.
2005 m. sausio 26 d. 21:40:56
My Life Is Music and Music Is Life..........
2004 m. lapkričio 23 d. 08:12:47
Bus taip, kaip bus ir truputi taip, kaip labai noresi ;>
2004 m. lapkričio 7 d. 19:06:34
O tai ne n.. :) :) :)
2004 m. lapkričio 7 d. 15:23:01
2004 m. spalio 3 d. 13:38:58
2die4BLuE....never give up ... ;D
2004 m. rugsėjo 30 d. 20:24:25
Kodėl turime taukšti nesąmones, kad jaustumėmės patogiai?
2004 m. rugsėjo 26 d. 13:07:36