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We Will Rule the World


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Jumpy and scary
The fear that they carry
I wanna out
It's all just too loud
They say I'm a baby
Naive as a fairy
I wanna out
I need you around
All my fears disappear
Every time when you're near
Take me higher and above
'Cause all I want is love
We will rule the world
Together we'll face it all
Our hearts will never grow old
And we will rule the world
'Cause we're living up
Living up
Never giving up
Living up
Baby, it's your chance
Everybody dance now
Clap your hands
Catching the fever
Cause you are my hero
Finally found
I am so proud
I see things clearer
Cause you are right here now
Finally found
I am so proud
All my fears disappear
Every time when you're near
Take me higher and above
All I want is love
We will rule the world
Together we'll face it all
Our hearts will never grow old
And we will rule the world
'Cause we're living up
Living up
Never giving up
Living up
Baby, it's your chance
Everybody dance now
Clap your hands
We will rule the world
Together we'll face it all
Our hearts will never grow old
And we will rule the world
'Cause we're living up
Living up
Never giving up
Living up
Baby, it's your chance
Everybody dance now
Clap your hands

Topai ir rinkimai:
2024 - 2024 m. Lietuvos Eurovizijos atrankos finalas TOP 30 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 30
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Jumpy and scary
The fear that they carry
I wanna out
It's all just too loud
They say I'm a baby
Naive as a fairy
I wanna out
I need you around
All my fears disappear
Every time when you're near
Take me higher and above
'Cause all I want is love
We will rule the world
Together we'll face it all
Our hearts will never grow old
And we will rule the world
'Cause we're living up
Living up
Never giving up
Living up
Baby, it's your chance
Everybody dance now
Clap your hands
Catching the fever
Cause you are my hero
Finally found
I am so proud
I see things clearer
Cause you are right here now
Finally found
I am so proud
All my fears disappear
Every time when you're near
Take me higher and above
All I want is love
We will rule the world
Together we'll face it all
Our hearts will never grow old
And we will rule the world
'Cause we're living up
Living up
Never giving up
Living up
Baby, it's your chance
Everybody dance now
Clap your hands
We will rule the world
Together we'll face it all
Our hearts will never grow old
And we will rule the world
'Cause we're living up
Living up
Never giving up
Living up
Baby, it's your chance
Everybody dance now
Clap your hands

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