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All Because of Me

The Pineapple Thief

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

[Verse 1]
You're looking at this world with such dismay
You wanna get it over with, stop this serenade
You're looking at the lies you were sold all this time
Oh, you know it was me
You're looking at the road to a distant time
You were given a direction just hoping for a sign
You know you had no choice, someone drowning out your voice
Oh, you know it was me

[Verse 2]
You're looking at this world with such distain
It's time to put it right, put an end to this serenade
It's time to make a fight of it
There's always someone there
Yeah, you know it is me

Yeah it's time to make a fight of it
Standing eye to eye
Yeah, you know it was me

Here we are, we gotta go
And it's all because of me
And you're leaving us for dead, oh you know
That it's all because of me

[Guitar Solo]

Here we are, we gotta go
And it's all because of me
And you're leaving us for dead, oh you know
That it's all because of me
It's all because of me
It's all because of me

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

[Verse 1]
You're looking at this world with such dismay
You wanna get it over with, stop this serenade
You're looking at the lies you were sold all this time
Oh, you know it was me
You're looking at the road to a distant time
You were given a direction just hoping for a sign
You know you had no choice, someone drowning out your voice
Oh, you know it was me

[Verse 2]
You're looking at this world with such distain
It's time to put it right, put an end to this serenade
It's time to make a fight of it
There's always someone there
Yeah, you know it is me

Yeah it's time to make a fight of it
Standing eye to eye
Yeah, you know it was me

Here we are, we gotta go
And it's all because of me
And you're leaving us for dead, oh you know
That it's all because of me

[Guitar Solo]

Here we are, we gotta go
And it's all because of me
And you're leaving us for dead, oh you know
That it's all because of me
It's all because of me
It's all because of me

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