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Anyone Quite Like You

Chris Rea

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1998 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Ten Thousand princes
I've seen them all
I've seen them come
And I see them fall
I've watched them win
I've watched them loose
Since you've been around
No-one gets to choose
Because when the game begins
And the time is now
When there is no more talking
Only here and now
There is only here and now
I ain't seen anything qute like you
Ain't been anyone quite like you

Ten thousand princes
All backs against the wall
Then Thousand losers
When the winner comes to call
How they scream in frustration
Then thousand reasons why
The rhetoric is endless
I see the laughter in your eyes
Because when the game begins
And the time is now
When there is no more talking
Only here and now
Only here and now
I ain't seen anything qute like you
Ain't been anyone quite like you

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Ten Thousand princes
I've seen them all
I've seen them come
And I see them fall
I've watched them win
I've watched them loose
Since you've been around
No-one gets to choose
Because when the game begins
And the time is now
When there is no more talking
Only here and now
There is only here and now
I ain't seen anything qute like you
Ain't been anyone quite like you

Ten thousand princes
All backs against the wall
Then Thousand losers
When the winner comes to call
How they scream in frustration
Then thousand reasons why
The rhetoric is endless
I see the laughter in your eyes
Because when the game begins
And the time is now
When there is no more talking
Only here and now
Only here and now
I ain't seen anything qute like you
Ain't been anyone quite like you

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