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I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor

Arctic Monkeys

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2005 m.

Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you
And what it is that surprises me, is that I don't really want you too
And your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
Over you're an explosion (you're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a b-b-b-bang-go!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984!

I wish you'd stop ignoring me, because it's sending me to despair
Without a sound 'yeh' your calling me, and I don't think it's very fair
That your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
Oh your an explosion (you're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a b-b-b-bang-go!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984!

Oh there ain't no love no,no Montague's or Capulets
Just banging tunes in DJ sets and
Dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984!

Topai ir rinkimai:
NME - Geriausios NME gyvavimo laikotarpio dainos #31
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you
And what it is that surprises me, is that I don't really want you too
And your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
Over you're an explosion (you're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a b-b-b-bang-go!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984!

I wish you'd stop ignoring me, because it's sending me to despair
Without a sound 'yeh' your calling me, and I don't think it's very fair
That your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
Oh your an explosion (you're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a b-b-b-bang-go!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984!

Oh there ain't no love no,no Montague's or Capulets
Just banging tunes in DJ sets and
Dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
From 1984!

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