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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2012 m. gegužės 15 d.


Drifting in and out
You see the road you're on
It came rolling down your cheek
You say just what you mean
And in between it's never as it seems

Help me to name it
Help me to name it

If you built yourself a myth
You'd know just what to give
What comes after this
Momentary bliss
The consequence of what you do to me

Help me to name it
Help me to name it

Found yourself in a new direction
Arrows falling from the sun
Canyon calling would they come to greet you
Let you know you're not the only one

Can't keep hanging on
To what is dead and gone
If you built yourself a myth
You'd know just what to give
Or let the ashes fly

Help me to name it
Help me to name it

Topai ir rinkimai:
2012 Penktadienio Verpetas - Penktadienio Verpetas: 2012 / 03 / 09 TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 40
Susiję įrašai:
 2013-01-22  Crazyz

viskas viskas jau viskas

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas


Drifting in and out
You see the road you're on
It came rolling down your cheek
You say just what you mean
And in between it's never as it seems

Help me to name it
Help me to name it

If you built yourself a myth
You'd know just what to give
What comes after this
Momentary bliss
The consequence of what you do to me

Help me to name it
Help me to name it

Found yourself in a new direction
Arrows falling from the sun
Canyon calling would they come to greet you
Let you know you're not the only one

Can't keep hanging on
To what is dead and gone
If you built yourself a myth
You'd know just what to give
Or let the ashes fly

Help me to name it
Help me to name it

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