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Beneath The Crown


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Don't tread the path of the enlightened
Don't swallow their sugared seeds of poison
Their Da'ath leads to that black moonrise
Where the bodies stack up to the rafters

We touch the planets yet we're no closer to the heavens
We gaze at the stars from our pig trough
We map the silver depths of the ocean
While we bathe in the blood of the hated

Spare me from your kingdom

Born without a coin in my mouth
I still crawl toward the sun
Hands in the cracks of the walls of your mind
I dismantle your thoughts

Eating grapes in dens of steel
Buffing that old carnage wheel
Sitting safe on marble thrones
Perched atop levees of bones

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Don't tread the path of the enlightened
Don't swallow their sugared seeds of poison
Their Da'ath leads to that black moonrise
Where the bodies stack up to the rafters

We touch the planets yet we're no closer to the heavens
We gaze at the stars from our pig trough
We map the silver depths of the ocean
While we bathe in the blood of the hated

Spare me from your kingdom

Born without a coin in my mouth
I still crawl toward the sun
Hands in the cracks of the walls of your mind
I dismantle your thoughts

Eating grapes in dens of steel
Buffing that old carnage wheel
Sitting safe on marble thrones
Perched atop levees of bones

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